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Content page - GCWeb 4.0.29 font style

From [Institution name]

This is a temporary style to assist implementer with some of their page design where the visual was thighly optimized for desktop first. The following capability would be remove in a future version of GCWeb.

Add the CSS class name .force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 to the <body> of your page or any container that you need to use the font size that was set for GCWeb 4.0.29.

Applying that CSS class would reset for phrasing content and headings the following:

More guidance on how to implements this style is available here: Temporary avoiding the visual difference


<div class="force-style-gcweb-4-0-29">

Heading 2 (h2)

Heading 3 (h3)

Heading 4 (h4)

Heading 5 (h5)
Heading 6 (h6)

Paragraph - default appearance


  1. ordered list (ol) - level 1
  2. ordered list (ol) - level 1
    1. ordered list (ol) - level 2
    2. ordered list (ol) - level 2
      1. ordered list (ol) - level 3
      2. ordered list (ol) - level 3
Table caption
Table header (th) Table header (th) Table header (th) Table header (th)
Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td)
Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td)
Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td)


footer cite

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