v4.0.29.x release notes
- Release date:
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Version 4.0.29
- Release date:
- Downloads
What's New
- Fix the Feeds to be able to read JSON ATOM like feed
Read the Instructions on applying the feed patch for WET-BOEW and related themes.
Version 4.0.29
- Minor - Filter - Add support to interpret spaces as boolean operator (and, or)
- Minor - Charts - Add a possiblity to bypass the data cell value
- Minor - Add checklist for mobile accessbility tests
- Informational template - Minor - markup change for sign on off template, see PR 8382.
- The
<p class="btn">
was changed by<span class="mrgn-rght-tp">
- The
- Minor (Major for IE < 9) - Bump jQuery to final 1.x and 2.x release
- A markup change is required for those still supporting IE < 9, see PR 8371. IE 10 and bellow are not supported by this release of WET.
- Minor - Feeds - Add support for xhtml title in an Atom feed
- WET developer - Major - Build script update
- Introduction of lint spacing checker, indentation must be done through tabs spacing character.
- Version bump for various nodeJS dependency.
- WET developer may need to delete npm caching with the local "node_modules" and "lib" folder before to run "script/setup" in order to sucessfully build.
- Accessiblity patch fixes:
- Mobile menu - Use case where there is no close button
- Menu - Keyboard navigation for sub-submenus
- Session timeout - Empty text link
- Menu - Focus styling on menu items with no submenu
- Menu - Background color issue in Basic HTML mode
- Accordion (Toggle) - Keyboard navigation
- Tabs - Keyboard navigation
- Details - Added outline on focus
- Mega menu - Keyboard navigation (#8382, GCWeb #1335)
Recommended markup change (Minor)
- Page template - Update jQuery library version
- In the bottom of the page:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.js"></script>
- In the top of the page in the IE 9 conditional:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.js"></script>
- In the bottom of the page:
Canada.ca (GCWeb):
- Minor - Removed IE < 11 CSS prefix
- Minor (Major for IE < 9) - Bump jQuery to final 1.x and 2.x release
- Minor - Prevent the impression of "Report a problem" button
- Minor - Reviewed the markup for the minister page - See #1365
- Removed the CSS class
for the "Contact information" title - Line 29 - Use of
element to emphasis the word "Telephone" and "Email" in the contact information section. Line 32 to 33. - Latest news items, the item description have better semantic markup - Line 52-53
- Markup for items in the gallery was reviewed. As per bootlint: E013 (row children must be columns); E014 (column parent must be a row).
- Removed the CSS class
- Minor - Reviewed the markup for the local navigation index - See #1365
- Minor - Field flow - Add ifNone action configuration
- Minor - Url mapping - Convert "+" symbol in space character
- Major - Mega menu content update
- Minor - Fixed top margin for topic page
- Minor - Add partial long index page
- Major - Redesign on GCWeb main page
- Minor - Remove of
CSS class. It impact the following template:- Departments and agencies
- Topic
Browser supported:
As per the rule defined by Design decision 2: Browser supported
- Chrome 69
- Chrome 68
- Safari 11.2
- Firefox 62
- Firefox 61
- Firefox ESR - 52.8.0
- Firefox ESR - 6052.7.3
- IE 11
- Edge 17
Number of commits: 52
- Jules Kuehn (juleskuehn): 13 commits
- Nick Schonning (@nschonni): 10 commits
- Pierre Dubois (@duboisp): 10 commits
- Eric Dunsworth (EricDunsworth): 8 commits
- Armagan Tekdoner (@grifare): 3 commits
- Zachary Zucco (@zzucco): 3 commits
- Stéphane Ducharme (@StdGit): 2 commits
- Philippe T. Simard (@ptsimard) 1 commit
- Neil Mispelaar (@neil.mispelaar): 1 commit
- waterandsewerbill2: 1 commit
List of commits
- Updated the build version to v4.0.29-development and minor fix to v4.0.28 release notes. - Pierre Dubois,
- feat(form-valid): Bump jQuery Validation to 1.17.0 - Nick Schonning,
- build(markdownlint): Add grunt-markdownlint - Nick Schonning,
- feat(bootstrap): Bump Bootstrap to 3.3.7 - Nick Schonning,
- chore: Fix Glyphicons copyright banner - Nick Schonning,
- build: Bump grunt-sass-lint - Nick Schonning,
- Form validation - Fix testReady major issue - Pierre Dubois,
- release notes - Pierre Dubois,
- Feeds: Allows correct xhtml feeds title parsing - Philippe T. Simard,
- Release v4.0.28.1 - Update change log and SRI hash for GCWeb theme - Pierre Dubois,
- build(bootlint): Bump grunt-bootlinto to 0.10.2 and fix errors - Nick Schonning,
- feat(jquery): Bump jQuery to 2.2.4 - Nick Schonning,
- feat(jQuery): Bump old IE jQuery to 1.12.4 - Nick Schonning,
- Site: Removed metadata comments from page templates. - Eric Dunsworth,
- build: Update node-sass dep for Node 10 support - Nick Schonning,
- Theme: Restored "signed in as" text's original visual layout in a bootlint-friendly manner. - Eric Dunsworth,
- menu - Fix for GCweb issue #1335 (#8395) - Zachary Zucco,
- Grid - col-XX-auto - Fix an overflow issue - Pierre Dubois,
- Details Polyfill - Added Outline on Focus (#8403) - Zachary Zucco,
- Tabbed Interface: Remove tabindex attr on details - Jules Kuehn,
- Toggle accordion remains keyboard focusable after collapsing all items - Jules Kuehn,
- Toggle accordion: Removed (now) misleading comment - Jules Kuehn,
- Editorial - Update info on WET themes that is currently supported - Pierre Dubois,
- table validator - added label to textarea - Armagan Tekdoner,
- table validator - radio button group missing labels and layout improvements - Armagan Tekdoner,
- Checklist for mobile accessibility tests - Armagan Tekdoner,
- Charts - Bypass the data cell value on table parsing - Pierre Dubois,
- menu - Added background colour to menubar in Basic HTML mode (#8410) - Zachary Zucco,
- Menu: Focus styling on menu items with no submenu (#8417) - Jules Kuehn,
- Table validator - Fix bootlint error E019 and E020 - Pierre Dubois,
- Docs: Double and single quotes - Jules Kuehn,
- chore: EditorConfig tabs -> tab (#8446) - Nick Schonning,
- EditorConfig: Added global JSON/KML/CSV overrides. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Session Timeout: Empty link with no text Issue #7945 - Ducharme,
- Menu: Close nested submenus on menuClose - Jules Kuehn,
- Menu: Define keycodes as 'constant' variables - Jules Kuehn,
- Menu: Enter or spacebar follow link and close menu (including for in-page links) - Jules Kuehn,
- Menu: Spacebar opens or closes menu; behaves same as enter key - Jules Kuehn,
- Menu: Prevent double handling of enter or spacebar by details.js polyfill - Jules Kuehn,
- Menu: Also select nested submenu items by letter - Jules Kuehn,
- Menu: Remove unneeded conditional - Jules Kuehn,
- Menu: Prevent handling of keyup events (Firefox) - Jules Kuehn,
- EditorConfig: Added .*/sitemenureplace/unset overrides and removed KML one. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Build: Added lintspaces task to check for .editorconfig compliance. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Filter: Add additional functionality to search (AND and OR) - Neil Mispelaar,
- Repo: Corrected files to comply with .editorconfig rules. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Table parser: Removed unused variables. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Build: Exempted docker env from lintspaces task. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Fix #8241 Data Ajax: data-wb-ajax: cdn menu - Stéphane Ducharme,
- Documentation: Typos in Charts - waterandsewerbill2,
- Charts doc - Replicated updates to French and fix the merge conflit - Pierre Dubois,
- WET v4.0.29 - Release notes - Pierre Dubois,
Canada.ca details
Number of commits: 26
- Pierre Dubois (@duboisp): 7 commits
- Eric Dunsworth (@EricDunsworth): 6 commits
- Thang Le (@thangle2013): 4 commits
- Nick Schonning (@nschonni): 3 commits
- Ilya Pak (@ipaksc): 2 commits
- Neil Mispelaar (@neil.mispelaar): 2 commits
- Oliver Gross (@therealolivergross): 1 commit
- Steve Hume (@steve-h): 1 commit
List of commits
- chore: Add missing lock file updates - Nick Schonning,
- Updated the build version to v4.0.29-development - Pierre Dubois,
- Build: Updated version to 4.0.29-development in package-lock.json. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Build: Autoprefix to PostCSS conversion - Eric Dunsworth,
- Site: Removed metadata comments from server message page templates. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Theme: Removed orphaned images. - Eric Dunsworth,
- build: Update hardcoded oldIE jQuery version - Nick Schonning,
- Theme: Hid expanded report a problem dropdowns when printing. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Fix part of #1305: addresses the pull right classes - Neil Mispelaar,
- Fix part of #1305: address items on the Ministerial page template - Neil Mispelaar,
- Fieldflow - Add ifNone default action - Pierre Dubois,
- Fieldflow - Add "query" action on form submission - Pierre Dubois,
- URL mapping - Convert "+" symbol in space - Pierre Dubois,
- Add link to GCWU institution template - Pierre Dubois,
- update-megamenu-health - Thang Le,
- Topic tmpl - Fix top margin for the decorative image - Pierre Dubois,
- Add long index template - Ilya Pak,
- update links to https to sites with https - steve-h,
- mega-menu-update-bsd-4675 - Oliver Gross,
- updated 11-07-2018 - Ilya Pak,
- Redesing of GCWeb home page - Pierre Dubois,
- Theme: Removed leftover references to to the "pagetag" class/property. - Eric Dunsworth,
- chore: EditorConfig tabs -> tab - Nick Schonning,
- update-megamenu-text-BSD4949 - Thang Le,
- megamenu-update-BSD-5062 - Thang Le,
- BSD-5217-updateText - Thang Le,
v4.0.29.1 details
Number of commits: 1
List of commits
- Feeds - Read JSON ATOM like feed - @duboisp,
Subresource integrity (SRI)
SRI provide a method to protect website delivery. The following information are the hash for key resource in WET and GCWeb.
- sha256-npjkmHRk1s6WOioM8EEvYssRrCy2Os77x4TxZsTe2VI= sha512-1Vdf9fDWebnQxtPWreBlJtNEQGsV4cGzjrMzMf4wQE9wrC13V6kqOv4MVvsQFIyYnLwcDqKaPrcGLAgl7UuQAw==
Get all hash (JSON format):
- sha256-XCV8JwSxVtIYcrO3tgo95hPBkZwMZQimvalfBfN0ya4= sha512-wfEtVBdJzQLLxzuBa+GbI5gck/7UM0YeRFWMFJNNSYf9Cw4sg9TDCM6PEpCvIxMBXrcADCpyES4ofkeTDtWK5g==
- sha256-AGYfOGvA2TR53g8OJQWEHip5R1swHSkE8Ue6HTabfGM= sha512-kt+KBWqeRxOcQWlOGymUeGEbzL5raaHmVVWDDr3icSldNEivIhRHLfuOSRLIfJ/QT1dPfdTIuDOc0l89f9oBag==
- sha256-iDg0VG7uKTKMi4Ux5pzT9RmgtslErUVGvNNalnE8UQI= sha512-2cAoesVhTuii2q5jGh+7scPBec+Yln7O4pctgEV+rrzolITIr4GHI5ksq697PGe/k+MMQaeoVitSho8vK/KzRA==
Get all hash (JSON format):
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