Sélection de la langue


v4.0.2 - Notes d'utilisation

Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Archived: Added underline to top overlay link
  • Archived: Moved explanatory archived message to within archived section and corrected heading
  • Archived: Updated archived notice heading
  • Charts - Upgraded to Flot 0.8.3 and fixed the missing table caption issue
  • Date picker: Fixed toggle button when secondary menu is present
  • Definition lists: Allowed wrapping in dt elements of .dl-horizontal
  • HTML Table Validator: Migrated to v4.0
  • Lightbox: Fixed cursor hover over close button
  • Lightbox: Fixed printing issues
  • Menu: Fixed loading of extra language links in the mobile panel
  • Slider polyfill: Replaced fd-slider with a custom version that allows dynamic creation of the polyfill
  • Slider polyfill: Standardized event handling to address Android issues
  • Tables: Added indication of current and future state to sorting icons
  • Tables: Aligned pagination with Bootstrap pagination
  • Tables: Fixed sorting of formatted numbers
  • Tables: Moved showing x to x of x entries to the top of the table
  • Tables: Now hiding deactivated pagination buttons
  • Tables: Removed bolding from show and filter fields and updated example source code
  • Tables: Updated to DataTables 1.10.0


Nombre des « commits » 112

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