Form validation
This component provides generic validation and error message handling for Web forms.
The Merge Server-Client errors functionality allows the merging of server error from an application with client errors .
Use when
- Web forms
Working example
How to implement
- Add
to adiv
element surrounding theform
element<div class="wb-frmvld"> <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example"> ... </form>
- Optional: Wrap each form field name with
<span class="field-name">...</span>
. This specifies the prefix to use for the error message summary.<label for="fname1"> <span class="field-name">First Name</span> <strong class="required">(required)</strong> </label>
- Add
to each mandatory form field<input id="fname1" name="fname1" type="text" required="required" />
Optional: For input fields, add one of these options for specialized validation.
- Optional: For ASP validators add the following attributes to enable the Merge Server-Client errors functionality
Display="Dynamic" EnableClientScript="false" CssClass="label label-danger wb-server-error"
Configuration options
Option | Description | How to configure | Values |
hdLvl |
Heading level for error summary. | Add "hdLvl": "headingLevel" to the data-wb-frmvld attribute or window[ "wb-frmvld" ] where headingLevel is the heading level. Use the following JavaScript code instead to configure all instances of the plugin: window[ "wb-frmvld" ] = {"hdLvl": "headingLevel"}; . |
ignore |
Selector identifying the fields to ignore. | Add "ignore": "selector" to the data-wb-frmvld attribute or window[ "wb-frmvld" ] where selector is a valid jQuery selector. Use the following JavaScript code instead to configure all instances of the plugin: window[ "wb-frmvld" ] = {"ignore": ".ignore"}; . |
Specialized validation
Add specialized validation to an input field by applying the following options.
Option | Validation type |
data-rule-alphanumeric="true" |
Alphanumeric |
data-rule-cifES="true" |
CIF code (Spain) |
data-rule-creditcard="true" |
Credit card number |
type="date" |
Date |
type="date" data-rule-dateISO="true" |
Date (ISO) |
type="date" data-rule-dateITA="true" |
Date (Italy) |
type="number" |
Digits only |
type="email" |
data-rule-equalTo="#x" |
Equal to field with id = "x" |
data-rule-lettersonly="true" |
Letters only |
data-rule-letterswithbasicpunc="true" |
Letters and basic punctuation only (allowed punctuation: [.]) |
data-rule-maxlength="x" |
Maximum length of x |
max="x" |
Maximum number x |
data-rule-maxWords="x" |
Maximum of x words |
data-rule-minlength="x" |
Minimum length of x |
data-rule-strippedminlength="x" |
Minimum length of x (when HTML tags are removed) |
min="x" |
Minimum number x |
data-rule-minWords="x" |
Minimum of x words |
data-rule-nieES="true" |
NIE code (Spain) |
data-rule-nifES="true" |
NIF code (Spain) |
data-rule-nowhitespace="true" |
No white space |
data-rule-postalCodeCA="true" |
Postal code (Canada) |
data-rule-rangelength="[x,y]" |
Range (number) |
data-rule-rangelength="[x,y]" |
Range length x to y |
data-rule-rangeWords="[x,y]" |
Range of x to y words |
type="tel" data-rule-phoneUK="true" |
Telephone number (UK) |
type="tel" data-rule-mobileUK="true" |
Mobile number (UK) |
type="tel" data-rule-phoneUS="true" |
Telephone number (US) |
type="time" |
Time |
type="url" |
URL (IPv4) |
type="url" data-rule-ipv6="true" |
URL (IPv6) |
type="url" data-rule-url2="true" |
URL (TLD optional) |
data-rule-vinUS="true" |
Vehice Identification Number (VIN, US) |
data-rule-require_from_group='[1,".group"]' |
Validates the minimum number of fields within an group (each input requires the validation rule).
The minium and group is defined by the options passed (number being the minium and a common class for each input). |
See jQuery Validation Plugin - Documentation for more details.
Merge Server-Client errors functionality
If you want to concatenate the server errors with the client errors, add the following attributes to each ASP validator:
Display="Dynamic" EnableClientScript="false" CssClass="label label-danger wb-server-error"
Asp Validator examples:
<asp:CustomValidator ID="TypeOfPrestationCv" ErrorMessage = "Your server error message" ControlToValidate="TypeOfPrestation" OnServerValidate="TypeOfPrestationCvServer"
Display="Dynamic" EnableClientScript="false" Cssclass="label label-danger wb-server-error" runat="server"></asp:CustomValidator>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="TypeOfPrestationRfv" ErrorMessage = "Your server error message" ControlToValidate="TypeOfPrestation"
Display="Dynamic" EnableClientScript="false" CssClass="label label-danger wb-server-error" runat="server"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
ASP.Net Web Form Demo1 - Source Code on GitHub
Document the public events that can be used by implementers or developers.
Event | Trigger | What it does |
wb-init.wb-frmvld |
Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-frmvld" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-frmvld" ); ). |
Used to manually initialize the form validation. Note: The Form validation plugin will be initialized automatically unless the form elements are added after the page has already loaded. |
wb-ready.wb-frmvld (v4.0.5+) |
Triggered automatically after form validation initializes. | Used to identify the element where form validation has initialized (target of the event)
wb-ready.wb (v4.0.5+) |
Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing. | Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
See jQuery Validation Plugin - Documentation for details about events specific to jQuery Validation.
Source code
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