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The purpose of this feature is to provides a widget for aggregating and displaying the entries from one or more Web feeds on a Web page. Supported Web feed formats are Atom, RSS, and Media RSS.

Use when

Working example

How to implement

  1. For each area that will display Web feeds, create a section element with class="wb-feeds".
    <section class="wb-feeds"></section>
  2. Inside the section element add a heading (h1 - h6).
  3. Add an unordered list (ul) after the heading with the feeds-cont class.
    • Flickr and YouTube feeds:
      1. Add the list-inline class to the unordered list.
      2. Add <div class="clearfix"></div> after the unordered list.
  4. For every Web feed source to display, add a list element containing a link to the feed.
    • Regular feeds:
      	<a href="">Sample Atom Feed</a>
    • Flickr feeds:
      1. The link href attribute needs to contain the URL of the Flickr account's photostream.
      2. Add a data-ajax attribute to the link containing the URL of the Flickr account JSON feed.
      	<a href="" rel="external" data-ajax=";format=json">Environment Canada Flickr</a>
    • YouTube feeds:
      1. The link href attribute needs to contain the URL of the YouTube account.
      2. Add a data-ajax attribute to the link with the URL of the YouTube account JSON feed.
      	<a href="" rel="external" data-ajax=";alt=json">Parks Canada Youtube</a>
  5. Optional: Group multiple types of feeds into a tabbed interface. The benefit of this approach is it will only load the feeds that are currently visible (significantly improves performance when there are lots of feeds).
    1. Create a div element with class="wb-tabs".
    2. Add a div element with class="tabpanels" within the previous div element.
    3. For each group of feeds (group feeds by type), add a details element. Add open="open" to the group of feeds that should be displayed by default.
    4. Add a summary element at the start of each details element with the name of the group of feeds (e.g., <summary>Pinterest</summary>).
    5. Add the areas to display Web feeds after each summary element as described in steps 1 to 4, except add the wb-inv class to the heading for each area.
    	<h3>Tabbed Social Feeds</h3>
    	<div class="wb-tabs col-md-5 wb-eqht">
    		<div class="tabpanels">
    		<details id="details-pinterest" open="open">
    				<section class="wb-feeds limit-5">
    					<h4 class="wb-inv">Pinterestk</h4>
    					<ul class="feeds-cont media-list">
    					<div class="clearfix"></div>
    			<details id="details-flickr">
    				<section class="wb-feeds limit-10">
    					<h4 class="wb-inv">Flickr</h4>
    					<ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
    					<div class="clearfix"></div>
    			<details id="details-youtube">
    				<section class="wb-feeds limit-10">
    					<h4 class="wb-inv">YouTube</h4>
    					<ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
    					<div class="clearfix"></div>
    	<div class="clearfix"></div>

Example code

Regular feeds

<section class="wb-feeds limit-5">
	<h3>Road News Releases and Safety Recalls</h3>
	<ul class="feeds-cont">
			<a href="" rel="external">Road News Releases (All)</a>
			<a href="" rel="external">Road Safety Recalls</a>

Flickr feeds

<section class="wb-feeds limit-15">
	<ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
			<a href="" rel="external" data-ajax=";format=json">Environment Canada Flickr</a>
	<div class="clearfix"></div>

YouTube feeds

<section class="wb-feeds limit-15">
	<ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
			<a href="" rel="external" data-ajax=";alt=json">Parks Canada Youtube</a>
			<a href="" rel="external" data-ajax=";alt=json">Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ YouTube</a>
	<div class="clearfix"></div>

Tabbed feeds

	<h3>Tabbed Social Feeds</h3>
	<div class="wb-tabs col-md-5 wb-eqht">
		<div class="tabpanels">

		<details id="details-flickr">
				<section class="wb-feeds limit-10">
					<h4 class="wb-inv">Flickr</h4>
					<ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
							<a href="" rel="external" data-ajax=";format=json">Environment Canada Flickr</a>
					<div class="clearfix"></div>

			<details id="details-youtube">
				<section class="wb-feeds limit-10">
					<h4 class="wb-inv">YouTube</h4>
					<ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
							<a href="" rel="external" data-ajax=";alt=json">Parks Canada Youtube</a>
							<a href="" rel="external" data-ajax=";alt=json">Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ YouTube</a>
					<div class="clearfix"></div>
	<div class="clearfix"></div>

Converting ATOM XML feed into JSON ATOM like format

Here is the skeleton structure for the feed:

	"feed": {
		"entry": [
				"title": "[Title of the entry]",
				"updated": "[UTC date format]",
				"link": "[URL]"



Alias for "Publication date" of each entry:

Alias for "Link" of each entry:

Configuration options

These are the configuration options that can be used by implementers or developers.

Option Description How to configure Values
limit-x Controls the amount of items the Web feeds widget will display. Add the limit-x class after the wb-feeds class and replace x with an integer.
default (not specified)
Display all the entries of the feeds
Limits display to four items.
data-cors="true" Allows cross-site requests to fetch ATOM feed without using the Yahoo API services Add the attribute data-cors="true"
undefined (default)
Use the Yahoo API service
Retreive directly the ATOM feed


These are the public events that can be used by implementers or developers.

Event Trigger What it does
wb-init.wb-feeds Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-feeds" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-feeds" );). Used to manually initialize the Feeds widget. Note: The Feeds widget will be initialized automatically unless it is added after the page has already loaded.
wb-ready.wb-feeds (v4.0.5+) Triggered automatically after the Feeds plugin has initialized. Used to identify where the Feeds plugin has finished initializing (target of the event).
$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-feeds", ".wb-feeds", function( event ) {
$( ".wb-feeds" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-feeds", function( event ) {
wb-feed-ready.wb-feeds (v4.0.5+) Triggered automatically after a feed has become visible. Used to identify which feed has become visible (target of the event).
$( document ).on( "wb-feed-ready.wb-feeds", ".wb-feeds .feeds-cont", function( event ) {
$( ".wb-feeds .feeds-cont" ).on( "wb-feed-ready.wb-feeds", function( event ) {
wb-ready.wb (v4.0.5+) Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing. Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {

Source code

Feeds widget source code on GitHub

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