Input type="date" polyfill (date picker)
Provide an interface for selecting a date in a form. Implements the WAI-ARIA Date Picker design pattern.
Use when
This feature can be used on any page where selecting a date in a form is required.
Working example
How to implement
- Add a text input field for each date that will be requested. Each text input field must have the
type applied to it. - Optional: Wrap the date format in the label with
<span class="datepicker-format"></span>
to hide it when the polyfill doesn't load (due to native support). - Optional: Add a
attribute containing the earliest date that can be selected by the user. - Optional: Add a
attribute containing the latest date that can be selected by the user.
Example Code
<label for="startdate">Start Date<span class="datepicker-format"> (<abbr title="Four digits year, dash, two digits month, dash, two digits day">YYYY-MM-DD</abbr>)</span></label>
<input type="date" id="startdate" name="startdate" min="2013-03-27" max="2013-05-07" />
<label for="enddate">End Date<span class="datepicker-format"> (<abbr title="Four digits year, dash, two digits month, dash, two digits day">YYYY-MM-DD</abbr>)</span></label>
<input type="date" id="enddate" name="enddate" min="2013-03-27" max="2016-05-07" />
Configuration options
Option | Description | How to configure | Example |
Hide Date Format | Hide the date format when the polyfill doesn't load (due to native support) | Wrap the date format in the label with:
Min Date | The earliest date that can be selected by the user. | Add a "min" attribute to the input field with a YYYY-MM-DD date as the value. |
Max Date | The latest date that can be selected by the user. | Add a "max" attribute to the input field with a YYYY-MM-DD date as the value. |
Event | Trigger | What it does |
wb-init.wb-date |
Triggered manually (e.g., $( "input[type=date]" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-date" ); ). |
Used to manually initialize the input type="date" polyfill. Note: The input type="date" polyfill will be initialized automatically unless the input type="date" element is added after the page has already loaded. |
wb-ready.wb-date (v4.0.5+) |
Triggered automatically after the input type="date" polyfill initializes. Note: This event will only be triggered if the polyfill is loaded. The polyfill will not load for browsers with native input type="date" support. |
Used to identify where the input type="date" polyfill initialized (target of the event)
wb-ready.wb (v4.0.5+) |
Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing. | Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
Source code
Source code for the input type="date" polyfill (date picker)
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