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Datalist polyfill (auto-complete) - Dynamic


Demonstrates how to dynamically update the contents of the datalist element, based upon user input. Particularly useful where there are a large number of auto-complete suggestions.


Select an issues
View code


<form action="#" method="get">
		<legend>Select an issues</legend>
		<div class="form-group">
			<label for="plugin">Plugin</label>
			<select class="form-control" id="plugin" name="plugin">
				<option label="Select a plugin"> </option>
				<option value="Multimedia player">Multimedia Player</option>
				<option value="Lightbox">Lightbox</option>
		<div class="form-group">
			<label for="issue">Issue</label>
			<input class="form-control" type="text" id="issue" name="issue" list="issues" />
		<datalist id="issues">
			<!--[if lte IE 9]><select><![endif]-->
			<!--[if lte IE 9]></select><![endif]-->


(function( $, wb ) {
"use strict";

var $document = wb.doc,
	pluginSelector = "#plugin",
	issueInput = $( "#issue" );

$document.on( "change", pluginSelector, function( event ) {
	var pluginName =;

	$( this ).trigger({
		type: "ajax-fetch.wb",
		fetch: {
			url: encodeURI( " " + pluginName ),
			dataType: wb.ielt10 ? "jsonp" : "json",
			jsonp: wb.ielt10 ? "callback" : null

	issueInput.get( 0 ).value = "";

$document.on( "ajax-fetched.wb", pluginSelector, function( event ) {
	var dataList = $( "#" + issueInput.attr( "list" ) ),
		issues = wb.ielt10 ? : event.fetch.response,
		lenIssues = issues.length,
		options = "",
		indIssue, issue;


	for ( indIssue = 0; indIssue !== lenIssues; indIssue += 1 ) {
		issue = issues[ indIssue ];

		options += "<option label=\"" + issue.title + "\" value=\"" + issue.title + "\"></option>";

	if ( wb.ielt10 ) {
		options = "<select>" + options + "</select>";

	dataList.append( options );

	issueInput.trigger( "wb-update.wb-datalist" );

})( jQuery, wb );
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