Template HTML 5
Leverage HTML 5 <template>
element by using the data json plugin.
JSON data used by the following examples
File: demo/data-en.json
"fees": {
"ABC": "20$"
"product": "Hello world",
"products": [
"My new product",
"My second product",
"My product number 3"
"status": "text-muted",
"iamtrue": true,
"iamfalse": false,
"anArray": [
{ "name": "Item 1", "prop": "red" },
{ "name": "Item 2", "prop": "blue" },
{ "name": "Item 3", "prop": "yellow" },
{ "name": "Item 4", "prop": "purple" }
"offices": [
{ "name": "Jean Edmonds, North Tower", "num": 300, "street": "Slater", "city": "Ottawa", "css": "bg-success" },
{ "name": "Place du portage, Phase I", "num": 50, "street": "Victoria", "city": "Gatineau", "css": "bg-danger" }
"comments": {
"2017-1": {
"name": "Mr X",
"city": "Gatineau",
"somethingHTML": "<strong>Horay</strong> here rich HTML content",
"hobby": [ "Car", "Mechanic", "Race" ]
"2017-2": {
"name": "Mrs Y",
"city": "St-Pierre",
"somethingHTML": "<strong>Youpi</strong> word should be with emphasis",
"hobby": [ "Spa", "Nature", "Bike", "Reading" ]
Definition list:
Source code
<p>Definition list:</p>
<dl class="dl-horizontal" data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
"mapping": [
{ "selector": "dt", "value": "/name" },
{ "selector": "dd", "value": "/prop" }
<ul class="lst-spcd" data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
"queryall": "li",
"mapping": [
<ol class="lst-spcd" data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
"queryall": "li",
"mapping": [
Render JSON value as HTML
Name | City | Something in HTML |
Name | City | Something in HTML |
Source code
<table class="table">
<caption>With the HTML rendering</caption>
<th>Something in HTML</th>
<tbody data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/comments",
"tobeclone": "tr",
"queryall": "td",
"source": "#tblHTMLRender",
"mapping": [
{ "value": "/somethingHTML", "isHTML": true }
<template id="tblHTMLRender">
<table class="table">
<caption>Without the HTML rendering</caption>
<th>Something in HTML</th>
<tbody data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/comments",
"tobeclone": "tr",
"queryall": "td",
"source": "#tblHTMLRender2",
"mapping": [
<template id="tblHTMLRender2">
Sub template
From: [[city]]
Source code
<div class="row" data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/comments",
"mapping": [
{ "selector": "h3", "value": "/name" },
{ "selector": ":nth-child(2)", "value": "/city", "placeholder": "[[city]]" },
{ "selector": ":nth-child(3)", "value": "/somethingHTML", "isHTML": true },
{ "selector": "ul", "value": "/hobby", "queryall": "li" }
<div class="col-md-6">
<h3></h3> <!-- Name -->
<p>From: [[city]]</p>
<p></p> <!-- Description -->
<ul class="lst-spcd"> <!-- Sub-template container -->
Iterate from a JSON Object
When iterating a JSON object it get transformed into an array of objects by following a JSON-LD extended form style. You will find in the data-JSON documentation sample of JSON object before and after it's transformation into an array.
Source code
<ul class="lst-spcd" data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray/2",
"queryall": "li",
"mapping": "/@value"
Note: When you are using the templating to feed table rows, there is an issue when the <template>
element are located inside the table element only when using IE. The workaround is to move the <template>
outside the <table>
, ideally next to it, and then to include a <table>
inside the <template>
followed by your templated row. Then simply configure tobeclone
and source
to connect data json with the template.
Name | Number | Street | City |
Name | Number | Street | City |
Place du centre | 200 | Promenade du Portage | Gatineau |
Jean Edmonds, South Tower | 365 | Laurier Ave W | Ottawa |
Name is: [[name]] |
Source code
<table class="table">
<tbody data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/offices",
"tobeclone": "tr",
"queryall": "td",
"source": "#tbl1",
"mapping": [
<template id="tbl1">
<table class="table">
<caption>Modifying attribute and place holder</caption>
<tbody data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/offices",
"source": "#tbl2",
"tobeclone": "tr",
"mapping": [
{ "selector": "td", "value": "/name", "placeholder": "[[name]]" },
{ "selector": "td:nth-child(2)", "value": "/css", "attr": "class" },
{ "selector": "td:nth-child(2)", "value": "/num" },
{ "selector": "td:nth-last-child(2)", "value": "/street" },
{ "selector": "td:last-child", "value": "/city" }
<td>Place du centre</td>
<td>Promenade du Portage</td>
<td>Jean Edmonds, South Tower</td>
<td>Laurier Ave W</td>
<template id="tbl2">
<td>Name is: [[name]]</td>
Deprecated Would still work, but we recommend to use the JSON manager instead.
Source code for reference only
<p>If <strong>positive<strong> condition:</p>
<ul data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
"queryall": "li",
"mapping": [
"filter": [
{ "path": "/prop", "value": "blue" }
<p>If <strong>negative</strong> condition:</p>
<ul data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
"queryall": "li",
"mapping": [
"filternot": [
{ "path": "/prop", "value": "blue" }
<p>Combinaison of both condition:</p>
<ul data-wb-json='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
"queryall": "li",
"mapping": [
"filter": [
{ "path": "/prop", "value": "yellow", "optional": true },
{ "path": "/prop", "value": "blue", "optional": true }
"filternot": [
{ "path": "/prop", "value": "blue" }
Use template
placeholder for appending to an element
*** [[great]] ***
(To see this working example, take a look at the title
element on this page)
<template id="metadatacontent" data-wb-json='{
"url": "data-en.json#/product",
"appendto": "title",
"source": "#metadatacontent",
"mapping": [
{ "placeholder": "[[great]]" }
}'> *** [[great]] ***</template>
Layout a RSS feeds
The following RSS feeds is provided through the Yahoo YQL Web Service URLs. The direct link to the rss feed is: http://www.tc.gc.ca/mediaroom/rss/road.xml
Source code
<div data-wb-json='{
"url": "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20feed%20where%20url%20%3D%20'http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tc.gc.ca%2Fmediaroom%2Frss%2Froad.xml'%20limit%2019&format=json#/query/results/item",
"mapping": [
{ "selector": "h3", "value": "/title", "placeholder": "" },
{ "selector": "a", "value": "/description" },
{ "selector": "a", "value": "/link", "attr": "href" },
{ "selector": "span", "value": "/pubDate", "placeholder": "[[pubdate]]" }
<p><span>Publish on [[pubdate]]</span> <a href=""></a></p>
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