Language selection


Content page

From [Institution name]

Heading 2 (h2)

Heading 3 (h3)

Heading 4 (h4)

Heading 5 (h5)
Heading 6 (h6)

Paragraph - default appearance


  1. ordered list (ol) - level 1
  2. ordered list (ol) - level 1
    1. ordered list (ol) - level 2
    2. ordered list (ol) - level 2
      1. ordered list (ol) - level 3
      2. ordered list (ol) - level 3
Table caption
Table header (th) Table header (th) Table header (th) Table header (th)
Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td)
Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td)
Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td)


footer cite

Section with limited width content

Add the CSS class name .cnt-wdth-lmtd to a sectioning element <section class="cnt-wdth-lmtd">...<section> inside the main content of your page. More guidance are provided in the Content and IA specification.

Section example with limited width content

Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.

Call to action button

Add the CSS class name .btn-call-to-action to a your button or link that define the main call for action for a page. For example the initiation button/link in a service initiation pages. More guidance are provided in the Content and IA specification.


[Call to action]

<p><a class="btn btn-call-to-action" href="#">[Call to action]</a></p>


<button class="btn btn-call-to-action" type="button">[Call to action]</button>
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