Services and information - Common design pattern
- Status
- Up to spec
- Type
- Common design pattern
- Last review
- 2019-01-08
- Conforming to
- Content and IA spec 1.5.1
- Specification
- Common design patterns - Services and information
- Technical name
Working example
- Example 1: Doormat link in 2 column pattern
- Example 2: Doormat link in single column pattern
- Example 3: Sequential doormat link in single column pattern
- Example 4: Doormat link in 3 columns grouped with heading pattern
Evaluation and report
There is no evaluation and report available for this component
API (Version 3.0)
CSS Class | Template | Visual rendering | Schema |
Version 1.3 | Version 3.0 | Version 1.1 | Version 1.1 |
CSS Class (v1.3)
- Component: Service and information
- Component: (Deprecated) Doormat link. Defined inside a Service and information component.
Version notes
- Version 1.3
- Added:
- Added:
- Version 1.2 (between v4.0.28.1 and v4.0.27)
- Depricated:
- Depricated:
- Version 1.1 (between v4.0.21 and v4.0.26)
- Added:
- Added:
- Version 1.0
- There were no exclusive CSS class
Template (v3.0)
- The heading level are ajusted based on the context of use
- The following are the official supported/versionned markup
- Template for each grouping and column rendering
<section class="gc-srvinfo">
<h2>[[comp:SrvInfo dct:title]]</h2>
<!-- Two column && ( Subheading || Demand ) [default] -->
<div data-if="comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoCol == comp:SrvInfo2Col &&
( comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoSubheading ||
comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoDemand )" class="wb-eqht row">
<div data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
<h3><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
<!-- One column && ( Subheading || Demand ) -->
<div data-if="comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoCol == comp:SrvInfo1Col &&
( comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoSubheading ||
comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoDemand )" data-for="comp:Doormat in (comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )">
<h3><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
<!-- Three column && ( Subheading || Demand ) -->
<div data-if="comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoCol == comp:SrvInfo3Col &&
( comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoSubheading ||
comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoDemand )" class="wb-eqht row">
<div data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
<h3><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
<!-- Sequential (One column only) -->
<div data-if="comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoSequential">
<li data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )">
<h3><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
Previous version
- v4.0.28.1 to v4.0.27
(2.0) -
- Clearfix removed
- Doormat component explicit name CSS removed
- More services and information when more than 10 doormat, removed
- v4.0.26 to v4.0.22
(1.2) -
- Separated column layout from section delimited
- v4.0.21
(1.1) -
- Limit default visible result to 10
- v4.0.20 to v4.0.5
(1.0) -
Initial template
<h2>[[comp:SrvInfo dct:title]]</h2>
<!-- v4.0.28.1 to v4.0.27
* Clearfix removed
* Doormat component explicit name CSS removed
* More services and information when more than 10 doormat, removed
<div data-if="testCase-v4.0.27" class="wb-eqht row">
<template data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
<div class="col-md-6">
<h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
<!-- v4.0.26 to v4.0.22
* Separated column layout from section delimited
<div data-if="testCase-v4.0.22" class="row">
<template data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
<div data-if="IterationIndex <= 10" class="col-md-6">
<section class="gc-drmt">
<h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
<div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
<template data-if="IterationIndex > 10">
<details class="mrgn-tp-md brdr-0">
<summary class="btn btn-default text-center">Show more services and informations</summary>
<div class="row">
<template data-for="comp:Doormat in IterationCollection">
<div class="col-md-6">
<section class="gc-drmt">
<h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
<div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
<!-- v4.0.21
* Limit default visible result to 10
<div data-if="testCase-v4.0.21" class="wb-eqht row">
<template data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
<section data-if="IterationIndex <= 10" class="col-md-6 gc-drmt">
<h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
<div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
<template data-if="IterationIndex > 10">
<details class="mrgn-tp-md brdr-0">
<summary class="btn btn-default text-center">Show more services and informations</summary>
<div class="row">
<template data-for="comp:Doormat in IterationCollection">
<section class="col-md-6 gc-drmt">
<h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
<div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
<!-- v4.0.20 to v4.0.5 -->
<div data-if="testCase-v4.0.5" class="row">
<template data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
<section class="col-md-6">
<h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
<p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
<div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
Visual rendering (v1.1)
- Doormat header
comp:Doormat dct:title
- Same style as the heading level 5: Lato, 20px, bold
- Set the margin top as the same as heading level 5 (h5)
- Set the margin bottom to be small: 5px
- Doormat description
comp:Doormat dct:description
- Desktop: Noto sans, 17px, plain text
- Smaller devices: Noto sans, 19px, plain text
Previous version
- on and prior v4.0.29 (1.0)
- Doormat header
comp:Doormat dct:title
is the same style as the heading level 5
Schema (v1.1)
# Schema of the Service and Information component
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix wms: <> .
@prefix comp: <> .
dct:issued "2018-12-28"^^xsd:date ;
a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
wms:componentName "gc-srvinfo" ;
rdfs:label "Service and information"@en ;
rdfs:label "Service et renseignements"@fr ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <>@en;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <>@fr;
dct:issued "2018-12-28"^^xsd:date ;
a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
rdfs:label "Doormat link"@en ;
rdfs:label "Liens avec description connexe"@fr ;
dct:issued "2018-12-28"^^xsd:date ;
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domains comp:SrvInfo ;
rdfs:range comp:Doormat .
dct:issued "2018-12-28"^^xsd:date ;
rdfs:label "Type for this group of doormat links"@en ;
rdfs:domains comp:SrvInfo ;
rdfs:range comp:SrvInfoDemand ;
rdfs:range comp:SrvInfoSequential ;
rdfs:range comp:SrvInfoSubheading .
a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "Demand-based"@en .
a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "Demand-based"@en .
a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "Demand-based"@en .
dct:issued "2018-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
rdfs:label "Column layout rendering"@en ;
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:range comp:SrvInfo1Col ;
rdfs:range comp:SrvInfo2Col ;
rdfs:range comp:SrvInfo3Col .
a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "One Column"@en .
a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "Two Column"@en .
a rfds:Class ;
rdfs:label "Three Column"@en
rdfs:comment "Used essentially for the home page" .
Shapes graphs
# Shape graph of the Service and Information component
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix comp: <> .
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass comp:SrvInfo ;
sh:and (
sh:path dct:title ;
sh:uniqueLang true ;
sh:severity sh:Violation ;
sh:path comp:doormats ;
sh:minExclusive 0 ;
sh:severity sh:Warning ;
sh:property [
sh:path comp:srvInfoGroupAs ;
sh:in ( comp:SrvInfoDemand comp:SrvInfoSequential comp:SrvInfoSubheading ) ;
sh:severity sh:Violation ;
sh:defaultValue comp:SrvInfoSubheading ;
sh:property [
sh:path comp:srvInfoCol ;
sh:in ( comp:SrvInfo1Col comp:SrvInfo2Col comp:SrvInfo3Col ) ;
sh:severity sh:Violation ;
sh:defaultValue comp:SrvInfo2Col ;
] .
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetClass comp:Doormat ;
sh:and (
sh:path dct:title ;
sh:uniqueLang true ;
sh:severity sh:Violation ;
sh:path dct:description ;
sh:uniqueLang true ;
sh:severity sh:Violation ;
sh:path foaf:page ;
sh:uniqueLang true ;
sh:severity sh:Violation ;
) .
Previous version
- on and prior v4.0.29 (1.0)
Same as 1.1 without:
JSON-LD sample
"@context": {
"foaf": "",
"dct": "",
"comp": ""
"dct:title": "Services et renseignements",
"comp:srvInfoGroupAs": "comp:SrvInfoDemand",
"comp:srvInfoCol": "comp:SrvInfo2Col",
"comp:doormats": [
"foaf:page": "",
"dct:title": "[Doormat title]",
"dct:description": "[Doormat description]"
"foaf:page": "",
"dct:title": "[Doormat title 2]",
"dct:description": "[Doormat description 2]"
"foaf:page": "",
"dct:title": "[Doormat title 3]",
"dct:description": "[Doormat description 3]"
Report a problem on this page
- Date modified: