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v4.0.9 - Notes d'utilisation

Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Lightbox: Add ability to filter Ajax response to selector
  • Carousel: Added an option to toggle thumbnail controls on medium-and-above screens
  • Tabbed Interface: Fixed clipping issue when tab panel content overflows the tabbed interface container
  • Tabbed Interface: Added option to update the URL hash on every tab panel change
  • Tabbed Interface: Fixed play function of carousel
  • Data Ajax: Prevents the caching of nested scripts
  • Data Ajax: Added support for protocol-less CORS fallback
  • Feeds: Fix french characters in the Facebook feeds
  • Multimedia Player: Fixed inline captions not loading when the current URL has an empty hash
  • Form Validation: Allow using the styles without using the Javascript part
  • Data Table: Fixed the sorting icons in IE8


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