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v4.0.7 - Notes d'utilisation

Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Archived notice: Updated the text to match to match the text in the Technical specifications.
  • Menu: Menu panel now sources the panel title from the page markup
  • Overlay: Fixed bug that prevented in certain scenarios an overlay being opened through JS a second time
  • Equal Heights: CSS fix for nested elements
  • Equal Heights: CSS fix for nested elements
  • Text Highlighting: Added a dynamic functionality
  • Text Highlighting: Fixed when no parameters are defined
  • Ajax Fetch: Allow triggering on the actual element
  • Multimedia: Fix issue with share and apostrophe in title
  • Session Timeout: Fixed the plugin executing before being completly
  • Date picker: Prevented closing of datepicker from closing a parent lightbox
  • Demos: Added an option to add a class to the body tag


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