v4.0.30 release notes
Version 4.0.30
- Launching date:
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What’s new?
Version 4.0.30
- Patch - Lightbox - Overwritten window when clicking on a current page link
- Minor - Tables - Filter interface, adding support for
when resetting - Minor - RSS feeds - Adding live XML file reading for files within the CORS limit
- Patch - Menu - Opening the mobile menu when the menu is static in the page
- Minor - RSS feeds - News feed reading in ATOM-like JSON XML format
- Minor - RSS feeds - Retrieving the news feed reading by the Yahoo API. This is replaced by a live reading.
- Minor - Tables - Removing page numbering when there is only one results page
- Minor - Tables - Filter interface, adding the filter results option with check boxes
- Patch - Integrated Twitter Timeline - Removing the example with the obsolete Twitter code
- Patch - Tables - Filter interface, making adjustments when there are several check boxes in more than one column
- WET developer - Modifying the compilation script and its dependencies
Canada.ca (GCWeb):
Browser supported:
As per the rule defined by Design decision 2: Browser supported
- Chrome 71
- Chrome 70
- Safari 12.0
- Firefox 65
- Firefox 64.0.2
- Firefox ESR - 60.5.0
- IE 11
- Edge 18
Number of commits: 26
- Pierre Dubois (@duboisp): 7 commits
- Ilya Pak (@ipaksc): 4 commits
- kody (@thekodester): 4 commits
- Eric Dunsworth (EricDunsworth): 3 commits
- Francis Gorman (@GormFrank): 2 commits
- Stéphane Ducharme (@StdGit): 2 commits
- Nick Schonning (@nschonni): 1 commit
- Bobby(Xiuzhong) Tan (@PCH-TanB): 1 commit
- Shawn Thompson (@shawnthompson): 1 commit
- Zachary Zucco (@zzucco): 1 commit
List of commits
- chore: Bump grunt-htmlHas some additional error handling and mutes the old "details" error - Nick Schonning,
- .eslintignore: Removed out of scope files. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Lightbox - Close the overlay when clicking on a same page link - Pierre Dubois,
- Update build version to v4.0.30-development - Pierre Dubois,
- package-lock.json: Updated to npm 5.10/6.x-friendly style. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Menu Footer Integration Documentation - zaczucco@gmail.com,
- Tables - fix with reset button for input type=date - PCH-TanB,
- Release notes: Fixed issues in 4.0.28-4.0.29 pages. - Eric Dunsworth,
- Feeds plugins: CORS enabled pulling w# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. - ipaksc,
- Ignore .vscode directory - Shawn Thompson,
- Fix #8517 - Stéphane Ducharme,
- Feeds - Read JSON ATOM like feed - Pierre Dubois,
- Release note of version - Pierre Dubois,
- Patch instruction for wet-boew v4.0.21 to v4.0.29 - Pierre Dubois,
- Removed Yahoo API for RSS Feeds - ipaksc,
- Feeds backup - ipaksc,
- v4.0.21 to v4.0.29 Patch Documentation - GormFrank,
- DataTable Pagination Documentation - GormFrank,
- Update tables pagination - kody,
- DataTable Filtering With Checkboxes - kody,
- Updated a working example of Feeds plugin - ipaksc,
- Fix #8397 Merge server-side validation errors with client-side - Stéphane Ducharme,
- Remove Deprecated Twitter Code - kody,
- Value Was Never Erased After Cycling Checkboxes - kody,
- Data table - Working example to test cycling checkboxes - Pierre Dubois,
- v4.0.30 - Release note - Pierre Dubois,
Subresource integrity (SRI)
Le SRI rovide a method to protect website delivery. The following information are the hash for key resource in WET and GCWeb.
- sha256-V75xJAgrU7rpXVh0IxYGDgDjbKCRIsq49d28m+wdo9I= sha512-1VnVF2fV2arx5BsPGt4gFe5DeSWJHNvbg0hRFUviibbfcwBOf2+WDbLoqLHcmDSmEEkUXe1faPR4H7xzm9gu6Q==
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