v4.0.28.x release notes
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Version 4.0.28
- Release date:
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What's New
- Fix the Feeds to be able to read JSON ATOM like feed
Read the Instructions on applying the feed patch for WET-BOEW and related themes.
- Fix an issue that was preventing the form validation WET feature to initiate
Version 4.0.28
- Minor - markup change for SVGs images
- Minor - Datepicker polyfill - Date initialisation patch when minimal date are larger than today date
- Minor - Charts - Added floating label to pie charts
- WET developer - Major - Build script update
- WET developer may need to delete npm caching with the local "node_modules" and "lib" folder before to run "script/setup" in order to sucessfully build.
Canada.ca (GCWeb):
- Minor - markup change for SVGs images
- Minor - Departement features - Add one titles example
- Minor - Departement features - Markup change
- Minor - Removed GC priorities
- Minor - Improved markup for arms length footer
- Minor - Mega menu content update
- Information - Added a deprecated testing page
- WET developer - Major - Build script update
- WET developer may need to delete npm caching with the local "node_modules" and "lib" folder before to run "script/setup" in order to sucessfully build.
The following theme were abandoned:
- Base
- Government of Canada Web Usability
- Government of Canada Intranet
- Open Government Platform (OGPL)
If you are interested to have one of those themes above to be released with WET 4.0.28, please join the discussion on Github on the issue #8366.
Browser supported:
- Chrome 65
- Chrome 66
- Safari 11.1
- Firefox 59
- Firefox 58
- Firefox ESR - 52.7.3
- IE 11
- Edge 16
Number of commits: 39
- @LaurentGoderre: 9 commits
- @nschonni: 7 commits
- @EricDunsworth: 6 commits
- @duboisp: 5 commit
- @lucas-hay: 3 commits
- @Pacoup: 2 commits
- @peterparkers: 2 commits
- @thekodester: 1 commit
- @jkshapiro: 1 commit
- @StdGit: 1 commit
- @phurinaix: 1 commit
- @bsouster: 1 commit
List of commits
- 4.0.27 release notes - @lucas-hay,
- Updated files for the v4.0.27 maintenance release - @lucas-hay,
- Updated the build version to v4.0.28-development - @lucas-hay,
- build: Update Selenium browsers for vendor support - @nschonni,
- Revert "Revert "Bower to npm"" - @nschonni,
- Remove unnecessary timer event - @Pacoup,
- Date init patch - @thekodester,
- Do not block collapsible component init on whole document - @Pacoup,
- Fix typo - @jkshapiro,
- Build - Remove copying docs folder for MathJax - @duboisp,
- Splash page: Fixed SVG logo's relative path. - @EricDunsworth,
- Overlay/Lightbox: Removed unused "hdrClose" and "ftrClose" IDs. - @EricDunsworth,
- Theme: Reference SVG logos with img element instead of object. - @EricDunsworth,
- Multimedia player: Replace all single quotes in video titles that get re-used for the share widget. - @EricDunsworth,
- LightBox / dependency loading/executing racing issue - @StdGit,
- Added prepare script to allow themes to use WET core via npm - @LaurentGoderre,
- Typo - wetsites-fr.hbs - Change http to https in some links - @peterparkers,
- Typo - wetsites-en.hbs - Change http to https in some links - @peterparkers,
- Fixed tasks not loading when installed in a theme - @LaurentGoderre,
- Fixed tasks not loading when installed in a theme - @LaurentGoderre,
- Update package.json - @LaurentGoderre,
- Updated the prepare script to avoid a double installation of dependencies - @LaurentGoderre,
- Fixed the WET npm as a package installed in themes - @LaurentGoderre,
- Cleanup the gitignore and add an npmignore - @LaurentGoderre,
- Added SASS includePath to resolve npm dependencies - @LaurentGoderre,
- Fix jQuery and MathJax version references - @LaurentGoderre,
- Site - Add wet-boew-documentation to home page, move the release notice and add link to a developer build - @duboisp,
- Edit http link in CONTRIBUTING.md (#8233) - @phurinaix,
- build: bump grunt-sass for latest build - @nschonni,
- css: Remove IE < 11 and Android 2 - @nschonni,
- css: Move min Firefox to ESR - @nschonni,
- build: convert grunt-autoprefixer to grunt-postcss - @nschonni,
- chore: Fix NPM files - @nschonni,
- Charts - Improving pie charts labels - @bsouster,
- Update i18n.csv - @duboisp,
- Build: Updated grunt-contrib-clean to version ~1.1.0. - @EricDunsworth,
- Multimedia player/Carousel: Fixed broken links/captions in media player samples. - @EricDunsworth,
- Form validation - Add test ready - @duboisp,
- Country content - Fix geolocation request url - @duboisp,
Canada.ca details
Number of commits: 16
- @duboisp: 6 commit
- @EricDunsworth: 4 commits
- @thangle2013: 2 commit
- @LaurentGoderre: 2 commits
- @lucas-hay: 2 commits
List of commits
- Updated files for the v4.0.27 maintenance release - @lucas-hay,
- Updated the build version to v4.0.28-development - @lucas-hay,
- Theme: Reference SVG logos with img element instead of object. - @EricDunsworth,
- Theme: Reference SVG logos with img element instead of object. - @EricDunsworth,
- Theme: Reference SVG logos with img element instead of object. - @EricDunsworth,
- Replace bower with npm - @LaurentGoderre,
- Departement features - Add one tile example and markup improvement - @duboisp,
- Fixed the jQuery version references - @LaurentGoderre,
- Report a problem - Remove privacy statement and enforce the new markup - @duboisp,
- Remove GC priorities and improved arms length footer - @duboisp,
- update - mega-menu item - @thangle2013,
- megamenu-benefits-finder-update - @thangle2013,
- Build - fix dependencies for data-JSON - @duboisp,
- Revert "Datalist JSON suggestion - initial commit" - @duboisp,
- Build: Updated grunt-contrib-clean to version ~1.1.0. - @EricDunsworth,
- Build - Added Sub-resource basic integrity generation - @duboisp,
v4.0.28.1 details
Number of commits: 1
List of commits
- Form validation - Fix testReady major issue - @duboisp,
Subresource integrity (SRI)
SRI provide a method to protect website delivery. The following information are the hash for key resource in WET and GCWeb.
- sha256-W6CzUu6JitSJY/awKY6lyauDQa0IWXBTVjtxq3SpctA= sha512-oNEAH27TChN3HFV2ni+Xt2ZdS7NANHvMRFNky1lUqPsgYNBmC8wi2QaFIKlRKcp+6hPQKDNKix8umA2OfIRoxA==
- sha256-pQ+6VomndRUojeRLzarl8eU/m/UahNwxikiY4kZi07I= sha512-Ew4mh/42v30LSF6Ukwct4IdsgzQy692g8rZVKOnnVfSAKKnUMa+K+8DDO2gOVZ43jeizI5niztMcX7frC3hI7A==
- sha256-e/lB+Xz0k6XYvac+g+u3l2FbsvoaLIYdCo7l9jFDF+g= sha512-Iff1dyKW1izYivZIiJYY2pccIsDvlrPuulsuq4tONeiWltc3N+VJ4PR/95lZ3f660xF4QqAPdovVexJVnYG68A==
Get all hash (JSON format):
- sha256-Sv7zmMeu3pyom8vBljYLKbIT0mPtH938C9aiY+vM270= sha512-/uqNTSqhBGKI/4O+iEfvhj/HmDC7sKx7Ui91HYes3u/mOhlA1bCzu6UgBStXDLvzTEbvLEMsEWcwQscZ1LIXUA==
- sha256-avMS175xBhGsJPv3ovrFldfgmkV9xiKtXb3AREeAs88= sha512-IUpmszkQ0oasj2i2KDf/Gl8eoLxwXhRfGmmz1O5Ve8IaCiKaTt+/Nfe/5Up988lvoorIIduGtQt2tuyxWebxhA==
- sha256-Uv0fzXl0qj6+VTKtU/o9XtyFDtJoSjv0zY4ocGRVRoI= sha512-gAsn3Dq/oOR7zwfnmwqml008xlE++XGmV5WT75u/xOY9YckZjXC1cOSKNdbdjMxa6isiJQmz3ZdLpUMQNi+DAA==
Get all hash (JSON format):
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