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v4.0.15 - Notes d'utilisation

Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Form Validation: Added support for a single required checkbox.
  • Dimissable content: Use ID attribute if present as content ID and strip whitespace before generating unique ID.
  • Data-inview: Ensure that elements removed from the DOM don't trigger data-inview and tie the overlay close action to the dismiss close action when the data-inview element is dismissable. Fixed the bottom bar test failing in IE 10 & 11.
  • Feeds: Added a way to manually specify a list of videos Also significantly optimize the YouTube feeds by only using one lightbox for the whole feed, on demand and Optimized the flickr feed Fixes #6219.
  • Share widget: Added filtering option for email and fixed apostrophe filtering.
  • Geomap: Now using native OpenLayers events to catch mouseover and mouseout on the map and Fixed i18n issues.
  • Core: Implement refresh.wb event, combine the WET core CSS in the theme CSS ()Partially implements #6809), and merge the unmin resources with the minified resources ()Partially implements #6809).
  • Tabbed interface: Fixed initialization of second or more tabbed interfaces on a page, added class to allow tabs to wrap, fixed display issue with nested lists within nested tabbed interfaces, and fixed WAI-ARIA attributes in mobile view and added print-active option.
  • Tabbed interface - Carousel Added fallback for when active class is omitted from the tablist.
  • MathML: Hides Modernizr MathML check with CSS after the check has completed.
  • Form validation: Fixed colouring of errored fields and error summary on form reset.


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