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v4.0.0 - Notes d'utilisation

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Needs translation

  • Buttons: Changed button borders to give them more depth
  • Calendar of Events: Removed role='application'
  • Core: Standardized WET data handling to data-wb-pluginName and global overrides to window[ pluginName ]
  • CSS: Overrode the default width of 100% for form controls and added a class for enabling 100% width
  • CSS: Fixed the sizes and top margins of heading elements
  • CSS: Made footer visible in small view
  • Form validation: Improved compatibility with name attributes containing periods
  • Geomap: Fixed map not loading IE8
  • Input type='date' polyfill: Made close button label more meaningful
  • Input type='date' polyfill: Changed toggle from button to link to prevent inadvertent triggering of the toggle
  • Input type="date" polyfill: Fixed keyboard focus handling on calendar days
  • Lightbox: Added focus redirection to prevent Jaws from exiting the Lightbox prematurely
  • Markup: Fixed a validation error with favicon references
  • Menu: Removed the box shadow from the sub menus, added wb-navcurr styling and changed the colour of the lines separating menu items
  • Menu: Added support for wb-navcurr highlighting in the mobile panel
  • Menu: Fixed display of non-section links and summary focus in mobile panel
  • Menu: Made mobile panel button look more like a button
  • Menu: Improved support for nested menu items
  • Multimedia player: Added the ability to include the multimedia player in a tab panel
  • Multimedia player: Fixed issue where the multimedia player would not initialize for dynamic elements
  • Overlay: Ensured overlay is scrolled to the top when opened
  • Pagination: Fixed the design of the pagination widget
  • Share widget: Added ability to customize the link CSS and add sites to the panel
  • Tabs: Updated the design of the accordion style in small view and under to better represent the relationship of the elements.
  • Tabs: Fixed carousel-s2 display issue in small and extra-small view


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