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v4.0.0 Bêta 2 - Notes d'utilisation

Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Breaking change: Feedback form JS and CSS are no longer included in the core files. The separate JS and CSS files need to be included in the page for the feedback form to work.
  • Menu: Restructured the menus in the mobile panel, switching from a single WAI-ARIA accordion to multiple WAI-ARIA menus.
  • Tabbed interface carousel: Corrected overlapping and clipping issues on small-screen smartphones.
  • Secondary menu: Corrected structural issues and a disabled a non-functional link.
  • Touchscreen: Corrected several touch-related issues with the menu bar, the mobile panel, accordions and details/summary.
  • Localstorage: Prevented JS errors when localStorage becomes unavailable when the browser is in private mode.
  • Overlay: Prevented the top overlay from overlapping content that gain focus (e.g., clicking a same-page link).
  • Charts: Ported Charts plugin from WET v3.1.
  • Themes: Ported the GC Web Usability, GC Intranet, Base and OGPL themes from WET v3.1.
  • Share widget: Added the ability to share multiple different types of content on the same page.
  • Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology: Ported the Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology from WET v3.1.
  • RTL: Fixed numerous RTL issues with various plugins and themes


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