Language selection


Field flow

Transform a basic list into a selectable list.

Find the plugin for the action you need:

<div class="wb-fieldflow">
	<p>Find the plugin for the action you need:</p>

		<li><a href="">Inserting content</a></li>
		<li><a href="">Photo galery</a></li>
		<li><a href="">Draw charts</a></li>
		<li><a href="">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
		<li><a href="">Set a consistant height</a></li>
		<li><a href="">Popup content</a></li>

This functionality depends on the Data ajax plugin.

Choose content to be ajaxed:

Consult one page with the full list of all options (Link not working)

<div class="wb-fieldflow">
	<p>Choose content to be ajaxed:</p>
		<li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
		<li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
		<li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
		<li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
		<li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>

<!-- Providing an alternative/multiple way could be required for WCAG conformance and/or design conform to progressive enhancement -->
<p><em><a rel="alternate" href="#">Consult one page with the full list of all options</a> (Link not working)</em></p>


Find the plugin for the action you need.

<div class="wb-fieldflow">
	<p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
		<li>Layout and rendering
				<li><a href="">Inserting content</a></li>
				<li><a href="">Draw charts</a></li>
				<li><a href="">Set a consistant height</a></li>
				<li><a href="">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
				<li><a href="">Photo galery</a></li>
				<li><a href="">Popup content</a></li>

Consider to insert a textual clue into an item that will open up a subsequent drop down. Like, by adding a plus sign "+" at the beginning of the label. Remark that the subsequent drop down is identified by: <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">.

Find the plugin for the action you need.

<div class="wb-fieldflow">
	<p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
		<li>+ Layout and rendering
			<div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
				<p>It is for?..</p>
					<li>+ Esthetic
						<div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
							<p>What kind of transformation</p>
								<li><a href="">Set a consistant height</a></li>
					<li><a href="">Inserting content</a></li>
					<li><a href="">Draw charts</a></li>
		<li>+ Interactive
			<div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
				<p class="wb-fieldflow-label">What kind of interaction?</p>
					<li><a href="">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
					<li><a href="">Photo galery</a></li>
					<li><a href="">Popup content</a></li>
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