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Data JSON - Documentation

Needs translation


Insert content extracted from a JSON file or provided by a dataset.

The role of this plugin is to display selected data into HTML elements, if you need to manipulate the data prior it get displayed or you need to interact with, then use this plugin in conjonction with the JSON-manager plugin that support dataset.

Use when

When you need to display the same atomic information on multiple pages. Like a fee for a services that is re-use across multiple pages.

To insert repeatitive content by using HTML5 template element.

Do not use when

  • To insert block of HTML content, instead use data-ajax with the filtering option if neccessary.
  • For inserting data that only apply to an unique page.

Working example



How to implement

  1. Create a valid JSON file
  2. The one of the following:
    • Add one of the following data-json attributes to an element, with the attribute value being the URL of the JSON file followed by a JSON Pointer (RFC6901) URL hash:

      • data-json-after: Insert content after the element

        <span data-json-after="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
      • data-json-append: Insert content at the end of the element

        <span data-json-append="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
      • data-json-before: Insert content before the element

        <span data-json-before="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
      • data-json-prepend: Insert content at the start of the element

        <span data-json-prepend="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
      • data-json-replace: Replace content inside the element

        <span data-json-replace="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
      • data-json-replacewith: Replace the element by the content

        <span data-json-replacewith="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
    • For HTML5 templating, add the attribute data-wb-json on the elements you wanted to append items. The following populate a list:

      <ul data-wb-json='{
      		"url": "data-en.json#/anArray",
      		"queryall": "li",
      		"mapping": [


      JSON file location or dataset name followed by an optional JSON pointer
      Contain a valid CSS selector.
      Array of JSON pointer, as many as the return result of queryall applied on the <template> element.

      Note: When using the template for filling a table, wrap your rows template into a table element in order to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer.

    • Use the data for shapping multiple area of an HTML element

      <a href="generic/location.html" data-wb-json='[
      			"url": "mydata.json#/first/title",
      			"type": "replace"
      			"url": "mydata.json#/first/html_url",
      			"type": "prop",
      			"prop": "href"
      	]'>Generic location</a>

Selecting data

(Source: JSON Pointer, RCF6901)

For example, given the JSON document

	"foo": ["bar", "baz"],
	"": 0,
	"a/b": 1,
	"c%d": 2,
	"e^f": 3,
	"g|h": 4,
	"i\\j": 5,
	"k\"l": 6,
	" ": 7,
	"m~n": 8

The following URI fragment identifiers evaluate to the accompanying values:

URI fragment Returning value
# The whole document
#/foo ["bar", "baz"]
#/foo/0 "bar"
#/ 0
#/a~1b 1
#/c%25d 2
#/e%5Ef 3
#/g%7Ch 4
#/i%5Cj 5
#/k%22l 6
#/%20 7
#/m~0n 8

Issue that you may encounter

Display nothing, plugin seems to be broken.
Ensure that your JSON file is valid
Recently updated data do not display
Refresh your browser cache by opening a new tab the JSON file and then do a hard refresh Ctrl + F5 or by testing your page from a new private mode session of your browser.

HTML5 template element in the specification

Official reference:

The following was extracted from HTML5.2 spec:

Contexts in which this element can be used.

The following is a non-normative description of where the element can be used. This information is redundant with the content models of elements that allow this one as a child, and is provided only as a convenience.

Content model

A normative description of what content must be included as children and descendants of the element.

Note that the following elements, incomplete list, have a content model that could expect script-supporting elements: ol, ul, dl, table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, select, menu

Template - Transforming JSON object into an array

Since WET 4.0.27 it is now possible to iterate anything that is not an array to render content through a <template>. It simply get transformed into a array. There is a low risk of lost of information, only one specific use case. It's quite similar to the JSON-LD Expanded Form. In this transformation process, it assume the array key is an IRI. Then the will result include some property from JSON-LD such as @id and @value. The @id wont be overwritten, in those such case the array key will be discard after the transformation.

When the value is a sub-object


	"key1": {
		"keyA": "value1",
		"keyB": "value2"
	"key2": {
		"keyA": "value3",
		"keyB": "value4"


		"@id": "key1",
		"keyA": "value1",
		"keyB": "value2"
		"@id": "key2",
		"keyA": "value3",
		"keyB": "value4"

When the value are not an object


	"key1": "value1",
	"key2": "value2",
	"key3": "value3"


		"@id": "key1",
		"@value": "value1"
		"@id": "key2",
		"@value": "value2"
		"@id": "key3",
		"@value": "value3"

When the value is a native data type

Selecting the value of key1 to iterate.


	"key1": "value1"


	"key1": [

When the value is an array


	"key1": [
		{ "keyA": "value1" },
		{ "keyA": "value2" }
	"key2":  [
		{ "keyA": "value3" },
		{ "keyA": "value4" }


		"@id": "key1",
		"@value": [
			"keyA": "value1",
			"keyA": "value2"
		"@id": "key2",
			"keyA": "value3",
			"keyA": "value4"

When the array key information will be lost


	"key1": {
		"@id": "http://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/1",
		"keyA": "value1",
		"keyB": "value2"
	"key2": {
		"@id": "http://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/2",
		"keyA": "value3",
		"keyB": "value4"


		"@id": "http://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/1",
		"keyA": "value1",
		"keyB": "value2"
		"@id": "http://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/2",
		"keyA": "value3",
		"keyB": "value4"

Cache busting

Before to use the cache busting mechanism with your data json instance, it's highly recommended to configure your server properly instead.

Various strategy can be set on the server side and those are communicated to the browser through an http header as defined in section 5 of RFC7234.

Configuration options

Option Description How to configure Values
Insertion type Configure the origin and destination of the content to be extracted from a JSON file. Add the configuration attribute to the affected element with the value being the URL followed by a JSON pointer hash of the data to be inserted.
Insert content after the element
Insert content at the end of the element
Insert content before the element
Insert content at the start of the element
Replace content inside the element
Replace the element by the content
url Required. Define the url or the dataset name to use. When used in a template mode, the URL should point to an array object. You can follow the url or the dataset name by a JSON Pointer (RFC6901).
data-wb-json='{ "url": "location/of/json/file.json#/" }'
The url are a json file
data-wb-json='{ "url": "[datasetName]#/" }'
The url is a reference to a dataset managed by a json-manager defined in the page
type Configure the origin and destination of the content to be extracted from a JSON file. Similar of using the insertion type. Add a value to type that is recongnized, if leaved it it will assume it's means template.
(Default) Apply the HTML template by using the json.
Add a class to the element
Insert content after the element
Insert content at the end of the element
Change an attribute on the element. It's require also the configuration attr which contain the attribute name.
Insert content before the element
Remove a class to the element
Replace content inside the element
Replace the element by the content
Insert content at the start of the element
Change a property on the element. It's require also the configuration prop which contain the attribute name.
Set a value on an input element.
attr Specify the element attribute name. Only required when type="attr". data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "type": "attr", "attr": "href" }' A valid attribute name supported by the element and be one of the following href, src, data-*, aria-*, role, pattern, min, max, step, low, high.
prop Specify the element attribute name. Only required when type="prop". data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "type": "prop", "prop": "disabled" }' A valid attribute considered as a propperty supported by the element and be one of the following checked, selected, disabled, required, readonly, multiple, hidden.
queryall Template only. Selects elements inside the cloned template. It's assumed the mapping represent the number of returned results of this query. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "queryall": "li" }' Contain a valid CSS selector.
tobeclone Template only. Selects an elements inside the template that will be cloned for the mapping and the insertion. It's assumed the mapping represent the number of returned results of this query. When it's specified, this returning value is considered as the root of the mapping object selector and for the queryall options. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "queryall": "li" }'
All the children elements of the source template
If defined
A valid CSS selector.
filter Deprecated

Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.

Template only. Validating for truthness to allow array items to be processed by the template. Contains an array of evaluation criteria for array items.

data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ {evaluation object} ] }' Evaluation object have the following property
Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
Evaluation object path Deprecated

Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.

Template only, for evaluation object and required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated. It's must start with an "/".

data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ { "path": "/JSON Pointer" } ] }' A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
Evaluation object value Deprecated

Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.

Template only, for evaluation object and required.

data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ { "value": "A value" } ] }' Any value that could be compared with the information retreived form the path.
Evaluation object optional Deprecated

Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.

Template only and for evaluation object.

data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ { "optional": true } ] }' True or false. If omited it will be false by default.
filternot Deprecated

Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.

Template only. Validating for falsness to disallow an array items to be processed by the template. Contains an array of evaluation criteria for array items.

data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filternot": [ {evaluation object} ] }' Evaluation object have the following property
Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
source Template only. Pointer to the template elements. Not required when the template is the child of the host element. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "source": "#idToMyTemplate" }' JQuery selector that represent the template element on the current page.
mapping Template only. Array of string represeting a JSON pointer or object where it specify how to bind the data with the template content. If the configuration queryall is used, the number of items in the mapping must match the number of returning result of the queryall. In the other hand, if queryall configuration is not specified, than each mapping object must define a selector configuration. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ "JSON Pointer", "JSON Pointer" ] }' or data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ {mapping object}, {mapping object} ] }'

When queryall is not specified, it's is an array of string with a the JSON pointer. (Equivalent to the value in the Mapping object)

A mapping object can contain another mapping object to support sub-template. That inner mapping can also contain it's own queryall configuration.

Mapping object selector Template only, for mapping object and required when queryall is not specified. Should selects one element inside the cloned template. When selecting an array, that allow you run sub-template. To configure a sub-template, the mapping object is extended like: you can optionnaly set the "source" configuration, optionnaly set the "queryall" configuration and you can also set a inner "mapping" object for the mapping of the sub-template. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "selector": "A CSS Selector" } ] }' A valid CSS selector.
Mapping object value Template only, for mapping object and required when queryall is not specified. JSON Pointer representing the data to be mapped. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "value": "A JSON Pointer" } ] }' A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
Mapping object placeholder Template only, for mapping object and optinal when queryall is not specified. String representing the placeholder to replace by the selected data data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "placeholder": "" } ] }' A findable string in the selected element in the template.
Mapping object attr Template only, for mapping object and optional when queryall is not specified. Name of an attribute where the selected data will replace his value. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "attr": "href" } ] }' A valid attribute of the selected element.
Mapping object isHTML Template only, for mapping object and optional when queryall is not specified. Flag indicating if the content to be mapped is a string HTML. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "isHTML": "true" } ] }' A valid attribute of the selected element.
appendto Template only. When the elements are outside the editing area, this specified the element to use to append the template. Specifying the data-json directly of the elements should remain how it is used. Note: Since WET 4.0.27 a bug fix has change the behavior of one usecase depending how the mapping is configured. Since WET 4.0.27, using the data-json template is always done against an JSON array. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "appendto": "title" }' A valid jQuery selector.
nocache Prevent caching. Prior using the functionality, use the various caching strategies that can be set and communicated through http header from your server, as defined in section 5 of RFC7234. Also, please note that some server may not like to have an query appended to his url and you may get an HTTP error like "400 Bad Request" or "404 Not Found". Like a page served by a domino server will return 404 error if the query string do not start with "?open", "?openDocument" or "?readForm". data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true }' or data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": "nocache" }'
The browser will manage the cache based on how the server has sent the file.
Boolean, Use the same cache buster id for the user session. Clossing and opening the tab should generate a new cache busting id.
String, A new id is generated everytime the file is fetched
nocachekey Prevent caching. Optional, it defined what query parameter name to use for the cache busting. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true, "nocachekey": "wbCacheBust" }'
Will use "wbCacheBust" for the parameter name.
URL pre-encoded string
trigger Initiate WET features for the content rendered with a template. data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "trigger": true }'
false (default):
Content is kept as is.
Will initiate any WET feature on rendered content


Event Trigger What it does
wb-init.wb-data-json Triggered manually (e.g., $( "[data-json-after], [data-json-append], [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith]" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-data-json" );). Used to manually initialize the Data JSON plugin. Note: The Data JSON plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
wb-ready.wb-data-json Triggered automatically after the content has been inserted. Used to identify where content has been inserted in by the plugin (target of the event) and to pass along how the content was included ("after", "append", "before", "prepend", "replace" or "replacewith").
$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-data-json", "[data-json-after], [data-json-append], [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith]", function( event, ajaxType ) {
$( "[data-json-after], [data-json-append], [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith]" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-data-json", function( event, ajaxType ) {
wb-ready.wb Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing. Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
wb-contentupdated Triggered automatically when data-json has finished to load the response. Use to perform a secondary action upon inserted content
$('#mycontainer').on( "wb-contentupdated", function( event, data ){

Source code

Data JSON plugin source code on GitHub

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