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Additional Test Information for the Product Series


Test Information

Shear capacity

The shear capacity of the products was established by testing as per ASTM D 5055. Qualification and quality control tests were used to establish the applicable coefficient of variation, CVw, and the reliability normalization factor from CAN/CSA-O86-01 was used to determine the specified strength.

Moment capacity

The moment capacity qualification was carried out using the analytical method in accordance with ASTM D 5055. Quality control tests and qualification tests were used to establish the 5th percentile based on a normal distribution. The Weibull coefficient of variation, CVw, was standardized at a conservative 15% and the reliability normalization factor from CAN/CSA-O86-01 was used to determine the specified strength.


A bending test program of varying depths was used to confirm the stiffness capacity. The following formula was used to predict mid-span deflection:

deflection = 5 w L 4 384 E I + w L 2 K

where EI = shear-free E × I, from Table, w = uniform load (kN/m), L = span (mm), K = shear deflection factor

End joints

End joints were qualified as part of the flange tension qualification. The flanges are finger-jointed at the plant and regular tension testing is conducted.


Specimens were tested for creep performance as per ASTM D 5055, whereby two specimens in each I-joist series group are loaded to 1.5 times the design resistive moment capacity and the average deflection recovery must exceed 90% of the deflection between 1.5 times total load and the basic dead load deflection (20% design).

Bearing length

A minimum of 10 specimens was tested for three bearing lengths at various I-joist depths, including the extreme depths. A linear regression was performed on the averages of the tested depths to obtain the remaining values. Tests were conducted to qualify a minimum end bearing of 38 mm (44.5 mm if I-joist depth ≥ 457 mm) and 89 mm. Qualification tests were used to establish the applicable coefficient of variation, CVw, and the reliability normalization factor from Table of CAN/CSA-O86-01 was used to determine the specified strength.

Adhesive qualification

The flange-to-flange finger joints and web-to-web joints are bonded with a PEP adhesive (CCMC 13513-L and CCMC 13512-L, respectively) and web-to-flange joints are bonded with an EPI adhesive (CCMC 13591-L). For all the AJS series, the web-to-web and web-to-flange joints may alternatively be bonded with a phenol-resorcinol adhesive (CCMC 13051-L or CCMC 13054-L). Except for the AJS-30 and AJS-200 series, all the other AJS series flange-to-flange finger joints may alternatively be bonded with a phenol-resorcinol adhesive (CCMC 13213-L).

Web stock

The web stock complies with CAN/CSA-O325.0-92, "Construction Sheathing," and/or Product Standard, PS 2.

Manufacturing quality assurance

The manufacturing quality assurance program includes requirements specified in ASTM D 5055 and is verified by the third-party agency APA as part of the product certification. The quality assurance program also includes proprietary grading, random sampling and ongoing testing at the plant. The third-party certification agency ensures that the quality control measures are adequate to maintain the published design values at each plant.