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Additional Product Testing Information


Test Information

Shear capacity

The shear capacity of the specimens was established by combining data in accordance with ASTM D 5055-04. Data from quality control (QC) tests were used to establish the applicable coefficient of variation, CVw, and the reliability normalization factor from Table of CAN/CSA-O86-01 was used to determine the specified strength.

Moment capacity

The moment capacity qualification was carried out using the analytical method based on the characteristics of the flange material, with confirmatory testing in accordance with ASTM D 5055-04. Data from QC tests were used to establish the applicable coefficient of variation, CVw, and the reliability normalization factor from Table of CAN/CSA-O86-01 was used to determine the specified strength.


An appropriate test program was used to confirm the stiffness capacity. The following formula was used to predict mid-span deflection:

deflection = 5 w L 4 384 E I + w L 2 K

where w = load (kN/mm), L = span (mm), EI and K are taken from Tables and

End joints

End joints were qualified as part of the flange tension qualification. The flanges are in-plant finger-joined, and regular tension testing is conducted.


Specimens were tested for creep performance in accordance with ASTM D 5055-04. The specimens recovered more than 90% of the basic dead load deflection.

Bearing length

End and intermediate reactions were tested and calculated in accordance with ASTM D 5055-12 and CAN/CSA- O86-09 where the applicable coefficient of variation, CVw, and the reliability normalization factor from Table of CAN/CSA-O86-01 was used to determine the specified strength.

Adhesive qualification

The web/web joint, flange/web joint and flange finger joints are bonded with a polyurethane adhesive (see CCMC 13512-L, CCMC 13513-L and CCMC 13591-L).

Web stock

The web stock complies with CAN/CSA-O325.0-92, "Construction Sheathing."