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Specified Strengths (MPa) of the ProductFootnote (1) Footnote (2) Footnote (3) Footnote (4)

Modulus of ElasticityFootnote (5) E MPa (× 106 psi)

Beam Orientation (L-Y Plane)

Plank Orientation (L-X Plane)


BendingFootnote (6) Fb MPa (psi)

Shear Fv MPa (psi)

Compression Perpendicular to the Grain Fcperp MPa (psi)

Bending Fb MPa (psi)

Shear Fv MPa (psi)

Compression Perpendicular to the GrainFootnote (7) Fcperp MPa (psi)

TensionFootnote (8) Ft MPa (psi)

Compression Fcparallel MPa (psi)

1730Fb – 1.35E

9 310 (1.35)

22.05 (3 195)

5.25 (760)

9.40 (1 365)

24.35 (3 530)

2.00 (290)

8.55 (1 240)

13.95 (2 020)

18.15 (2 635)

2360Fb – 1.55E

10 690 (1.55)

30.05 (4 360)

5.25 (760)

11.00 (1 595)

33.40 (4 840)

2.00 (290)

9.69 (1 405)

18.70 (2 715)

23.90 (3 470)

2500Fb – 1.75E

12 070 (1.75)

31.85 (4 620)

5.25 (760)

11.95 (1 730)

35.64 (5 170)

2.00 (290)

11.10 (1 610)

22.50 (3 260)

26.95 (3 910)

Equivalent Specific Gravity for Fastener Design of the ProductFootnote (1) Footnote (2)

Equivalent Specific Gravity


Bolts and Lag Screws Installed in FaceFootnote (3)

Withdrawal Load

Lateral Load

Lateral Load

Installed in Edge

Installed in Face

Installed in Edge

Installed in Face

Load Applied Parallel to Grain

Load Applied Perpendicular to Grain

1730Fb – 1.35E and above







Nail Spacing of the ProductFootnote (1)
Nail Orientation

Thickness, mm (in.)

FastenerFootnote (2) Footnote (3)

Minimum End Distance,Footnote (4) mm (in.)

Closest O.C. Nail Spacing,Footnote (5) mm (in.)

Single Row

Multiple RowsFootnote (6) Footnote (7)


≥ 25 (≥ 1)

64 mm and smaller (8d and smaller)

51 (2)

102 (4)

Not permitted

76 mm and 83 mm (10d and 12d)

51 (2)

102 (4)

Not permitted

89 mm (16d)

Not permittedFootnote (8)

Not permittedFootnote (8)

Not permitted


≥ 32 (≥ 1¼)

64 mm and smaller (8d and smaller)

51 (2)

102 (4)

Not permitted

76 mm and 83 mm (10d and 12d)

51 (2)

102 (4)

Not permitted

89 mm (16d)

63Footnote (9) (2½)

127Footnote (9) (5)

Not permitted


≥ 38 (≥ 1½)

64 mm and smaller (8d and smaller)

51 (2)

76 (3)

76 (3)

76 mm and 83 mm (10d and 12d)

51 (2)

76 (3)

102 (4)

89 mm (16d)

63Footnote (9) (2½)

102 (4)

152 (6)


≥ 45 (≥ 1¾)

64 mm and smaller (8d and smaller)

51 (2)

76 (3)

76 (3)

76 mm and 83 mm (10d and 12d)

51 (2)

76 (3)

102 (4)

89 mm (16d)

63Footnote (9) (2½)

76 (3)

152 (6)



64 mm and smaller (8d and smaller)

22 (7/8)

25 (1)

25 (1)

76 mm and 83 mm (10d and 12d)

22 (7/8)

25 (1)

25 (1)

89 mm (16d)

22 (7/8)

38 (1½)

38 (1½)

Factored Resistances for "LP® SolidStart® LSL" Rim BoardFootnote (1) Footnote (2) Footnote (3)

Thickness, mm (in.)

Depth, mm (in.)

Vertical Load Resistance

Horizontal Load Transfer ResistanceFootnote (3) Footnote (4) øH kN/m (lb/ft.)

Lateral Resistance of 13 mm (½ in.) Lag ScrewFootnote (5) øZ kN (lb)

Uniform øV kN/m (lb/ft.)

Concentrated øP kN (lb)

1.35E and better

29 Footnote (6) (1⅛)

£ 406 (£ 16)

118 (8 090)

26.0 (5 838)

3.81 (261)

2.97 (667)

1.35E and better

≥ 32 (≥ 1¼)

£ 406 (£ 16)

146 (10 008)

28.2 (6 338)

4.76 (326)

3.34 (751)

1.35E and better

≥ 32 (≥ 1¼)

£ 610 (£ 24)

92.5 (6 338)

28.2 (6 338)

4.76 (326)

3.34 (751)

1.35E and better

≥ 38 (≥ 1½)

£ 406 (£ 16)

170 (11 676)

33.4 (7 506)

5.33 (365)

3.52 (792)

1.35E and better

≥ 38 (≥ 1½)

£ 610 (£ 24)

110 (7 506)

33.4 (7 506)

5.33 (365)

3.52 (792)

Stud and Shear Wall Applications of the ProductFootnote (1) Footnote (2)


NailingFootnote (3) Footnote (4)

Species Factor for Framing Material (Jsp)

1.35E LSL

Panel edge nailing of 75 mm to 150 mmFootnote (5) Centre nailing of 300 mm


1.55E LSL

1.75E LSL