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Table 2.1: “ZIP System® R-sheathing” Product Line
ZIP System® R-sheathing Type (Nominal R-value) Thickness (mm) RSI Footnote (1) (Thermal Resistance Value)
Rigid Foam Insulation OSB
m2·°C·W–1 (R-value)
R-3 12.7 11 0.522  (R2.96)
R-6 25.4 11 1.044 (R5.92)
R-9 38.1 11 1.567 (R8.90)
R-12 50.8 11 2.089 (R11.9)
Table 4.1.1 Summary of Construction Details of Braced Wall for Monotonic Loading Test (ASTM E72-15)
ZIP System® R-sheathing Type Footnote (1) Framing Lumber Fasteners Number of Specimens
Stud Materials Stud Size (in.) Stud Spacing (mm) Specification Length (mm) Nail Spacing (Interior Stud) (mm) Nail Spacing (Edge) (mm)
R-3 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 76 300 150 2
R-9 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 102 300 150 2
R-12 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 102 300 150 3
Table 4.1.2 Results of Monotonic Loading Test (ASTM E72-15) and Characteristic Shear Strength
Loading, q 1/50 (kPa) and S a (0.2) Footnote (1) ZIP System® R-sheathing Type Footnote (3) Specimen ID Peak Load, P peak (kN) Lateral Load at 5.1 mm Deflection, P 5.1 (kN) Initial Stiffness, K (kN/mm) Ultimate Shear Strength, v' (kN/m) Lateral Load at 5.1 mm Deflection, v draft (kN/m) Characteristic Shear Strength Footnote (4), v k (kN/m)
q 1/50 ≤ 1.2 and S a(0.2) ≤ 0.5 Footnote (2) R-3 R-3 #1 15.09 5.69 1.03 4.18 4.42 4.30 (> 2.50(2))
R-3 #2 15.90 6.70 1.37 4.41 5.20
Mean 15.50 6.20 1.20 4.30 4.81
R-9 R-9 #1 14.03 3.97 0.42 3.89 3.08 3.74 (> 2.50(2))
R-9 #2 12.94 5.91 1.74 3.59 4.59
Mean 13.49 4.94 1.08 3.74 3.83
R-12 R-12 #1 10.51 3.29 0.42 2.91 2.55 2.76 (> 2.50(2))
R-12 #2 10.57 3.94 0.69 2.93 3.06
R-12 #3 12.61 3.42 0.36 3.50 2.65
Mean 11.23 3.55 0.49 3.11 2.76
Table 4.2.1 Summary of Construction Details of Braced Wall for Reversed Cyclic Loading Test (ASTM E2126-11)
ZIP System® R-sheathing Type Footnote (1) Framing Lumber Fasteners Number of Specimens
Stud Materials Stud Size (in.) Stud Spacing (mm) Specification Length (mm) Nail Spacing (Interior Stud) (mm) Nail Spacing (Edge) (mm)
R-3 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 76 300 75 2
Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 76 300 75 2
R-6 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 76 300 75 2
Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 76 300 75 2
R-9 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 102 300 75 2
Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 102 300 75 2
R-12 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 102 300 75 3
Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 2 × 4 600 3.2 mm shank nail 102 300 75 2
Table Specified Shear Strength of Assemblies Footnote (2) Based on Reversed Cyclic Loading Test (ASTM E2126-11) for Part 9 Application in Higher Seismic Zones
ZIP System® R-sheathing Type Footnote (1) Part 9 (Housing and Small Buildings) Footnote (3) - Maximum Seismic Zone Applicability
[Column 1] Stud Materials Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2 [Column 2] Stud Materials Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2
R-3 0.5 < S a(0.2) ≤ 1.0 0.5 < S a(0.2) ≤ 1.0
R-6 S a(0.2) ≤ 0.5 Footnote (4) S a(0.2) ≤ 0.5 Footnote (4)
R-9 S a(0.2) ≤ 0.5 S a(0.2) ≤ 0.5
R-12 S a(0.2) ≤ 0.5 S a(0.2) ≤ 0.5
Table Specified Shear Strength of Assemblies Footnote (2) Based on Reversed Cyclic Loading Test (ASTM E2126-11) for Part 4 Design
ZIP System® R-sheathing Type Footnote (1) Part 4 (Structural Design) Footnote (5) For Seismic Zone > [Column 1] and [Column 2] - Specified Shear Strength Footnote (6) (kN/m)
Stud Materials Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2 Stud Materials Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2
R-3 7.73 8.80
R-6 6.88 6.83
R-9 5.90 5.02
R-12 5.23 4.87