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Table 1. CAN/ULC-S711.1-05 technical requirements-Class 2
Property Requirement
Min. Max.
Air permeance (L/(m2•s) at 75 Pa) 0.02
Closed cell content (%) 90
Density (kg/m3) 16
Dimensional stability volume change (%) at −20°C 5
70°C 16
Durability performance: air permeance per 1-m length after aging on specific substrates (L/s at 75 Pa) 0.05
Elongation at break (%) 5
Long-term thermal resistance (LTTR) at 25 mm thick (m2•°C/W) 0.75
LTTR for 25 mm , 50 mm and 75 mm Report values
Surface-burning characteristics ≥ 25 75
Smoke-developed classification 250
Tack-free time (min.) 2
Tensile strength (kPa) 130
Volatile organic compounds (time to reach maximum allowable limit levels) (h) 24
Table 2. CAN/ULC-S711.1-05 permissible concentration in indoor air of possible volatile organic emissions
Compound Maximum Concentration in Indoor Air
mg/m3 ppm
Acetaldehyde 1.80 1.0
Dichlorofluoromethane 0.42 0.1
Dichlorofluoroethane 3.83 0.8
Trichlorofluoromethane 56.2 10.0
Chloroform 0.49 0.1
α-Methylstyrene 2.42 0.5
Chlorobenzene 0.46 0.1
1, 4 Dioxane 0.90 0.25
Toluene 3.77 1.0
1, 2, 4 Trimethylbenzene 1.23 0.25