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Table 1. Performance requirements for physical properties of adhesives for structural wood products (Exterior exposure)
Property Unit Requirement
Anti-fungal properties Footnote (1) No indication of the presence of fungal growth
pH of cured adhesive film 3.0 ≤ pH ≤ 11.0

Creep resistance
A, B 1 , and C tests from CSA O112.9

mm ≤ 0.05 for any specimen
mm ≤ 0.25 maximum average

Creep resistance
B 2 test from CSA O112.9

mm ≤ 0.6 for any specimen
mm ≤ 2.9 maximum average
Table 2. Performance requirements for block shear strength Footnote (1) of adhesives for structural wood products (Exterior exposure)
Property Unit Hardwood  Requirement Softwood Requirement
Dry MPa ≥ 19 ≥ 10
After vacuum-pressure MPa ≥ 11 ≥ 5.6
After boil-dry-freeze MPa ≥ 6.9 ≥ 3.5
Table 3. Performance requirements for physical properties of adhesives for structural wood products (Exterior exposure)
Property Unit Hardwood Footnote (1)  Requirement Softwood Footnote (1) Requirement
_ Lower quartile Median Lower quartile Median
Percent wood failure (dry) % 15 60 75 85
Percent wood failure (wet) % 55 80 75 85
Delamination resistance % Hardwood ≤ 1.6 Softwood ≤ 1