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Table 1. Technical requirements for physical properties
Property Unit Requirement for
Minimum Maximum
Air permeance for a 100-mm-thick specimen L/(s∙m 2) @ 75 Pa No min. Declare
Apparent core density kg/m 3 6.8 12
Dimensional stability volume change at –20°C % No min. –1/+10
Dimensional stability volume change at 80°C % No min. –15/+10
Dimensional stability volume change at 70°C, 97 ± 3% relative humidity (RH) % No min. –15/+14
Fungi resistance No growth
Open cell content volume % 80 No max.
Surface burning characteristics – flame-spread rating No min. 500 Footnote (1)
Thermal resistance for a 50-mm-thick specimen m 2·°C/W 1.20 No max.
Time-to-occupancy Footnote (2)
(volatile organic emissions)
d 1 30
Water absorption by volume for materials with water vapour permeance (WVP) ≥ 1 400 % No min. Declare
Water absorption by volume for materials with 400 < WVP < 1 400 % No min. 50
WVP for a 50-mm-thick specimen ng/(Pa·s·m 2) 1 400 or 400, depending on water absorption No max.