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Table 1. Classification Type per CAN/CGSB-93.4-92
Horizontal siding
Vertical siding
Soffit and fascia facings and all exposed trim
Table 2. Classification Class per CAN/CGSB-93.4-92
Table 3. Detailed Requirements per CAN/CGSB-93.4-92
Siding, soffit and fascia facings and related components shall be made of prefinished galvanized sheet steel that conforms to CAN/CGSB-93.3.
Colour and gloss shall be as agreed between user and supplier.
The base galvanized sheet steel shall conform to ASTM A 526/A 526M and a zinc designation of Z 275.  The base aluminum-zinc alloy (AZ) coated sheet steel shall conform to ASTM A 792M/A 792M and an aluminum-zinc alloy coating designation of AZ 150. The minimum thickness of the coated steel shall be 0.30 mm.
Backing Material (if used)
If a backing material is supplied, the material used shall be certified by the supplier to be fungi- and vermin-resistant. The thickness of the backing shall not be less than 9.5 mm when made of wood fibre composite board conforming to CAN/CSA-A247-M or polystyrene conforming to CAN/CGSB-51.20, and not less than 6.4 mm when made of polyurethane.
Installation Hardware
Fasteners such as nails, screws, staples and similar devices used to secure siding and facing components and installation accessories shall be hot-dipped galvanized coated or equivalent.
J-trim, sill trim, flashing, corner posts, starter strips, and other devices used in installation with siding and facing shall be of galvanized steel ASTM A 526/A 526M, coating designation Z 275, unless otherwise specified. If material other than galvanized steel is specified, it shall be compatible with galvanized steel.
Installation Hardware, cont.

Sealing compounds used in conjunction with sidings and facings shall be of types that conform to the requirements of one of the following CGSB standards, unless a particular one of these is specified:

  • CGSB 19-GP-5
  • CAN/CGSB-19.13
  • CGSB 19-GP-14, or
  • CGSB-19.18. 

The sealing compounds shall be compatible with the coating and base metal, and, when specified, shall be pigmented to match the colour of the coating.

Table 4. Deformation Resistance Requirements per CAN/CGSB-93.4-92
Deformation Resistance
When tested, the deformation of the siding shall not be more than 5.1 mm on standard panels subjected to 8.3 J impact using a 50 mm diameter steel ball.
Table 5. Cladding Requirements per CAN/CGSB-93.4-92
Uniform and matching profile
Provision for free movement to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction
Snug fit for related components
Provision for venting and drainage of space immediately behind the panel (or backing material) to permit escape of moisture
Resistance to water penetration from exterior
SIDING PANELS (Vertical and Horizontal)
Property Requirement
Fastener holes Pre-punched slot not less than 9 mm and not more than 50 mm in centre-to-centre spacing
Vent openings Not less than 3 mm in the major dimension and at least equal to the base metal thickness in the minor dimension, located at centre-to-centre spacings of not more than 500 mm
Accessories shall ensure a snug fit and provide the required support. All trim required to act as a flashing shall comply with the requirements of the National Building Code of Canada except that the minimum thickness of the galvanized steel and the aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel shall be 0.30 mm.
Coated siding, soffit and fascia facing shall comply with the requirements for exterior cladding as defined in the National Building Code of Canada.