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Table 1.1 Performance Requirements: Material (physical properties)
Property Unit Requirement
Impact resistance (Izod) - Class 1 compound J/m ≥ 80.1
Impact resistance (Izod) - Class 2 compound J/m ≥ 266.9
Tensile strength - Class 1 compound MPa ≥ 44.9
Tensile strength - Class 2 compound MPa ≥ 37.7
Modulus of elasticity - Class 1 compound MPa ≥ 2 483
Modulus of elasticity - Class 2 compound MPa ≥ 2 208
Heat deflection temperature - Class 1 compound °C ≥ 70
Heat deflection temperature - Class 2 compound °C ≥ 70
Thermal expansion coefficient mm/mm °C ≤ 8.1 × 10 −5
Flammability - extent of burning mm ≤ 25
Flammability - time of burn s ≤ 10