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Table 1. Requirements for Type 4 PVC Membranes Footnote (1)
Property Unit Requirements
Overall thickness mm 1.2
Coating thickness Footnote (2) mm 0.4
Tensile strength MPa n/a
Breaking strength kN/m 35
Elongation at break % 15 Footnote (3)
Initial 5 lap joint strength % of tensile/breaking strength 75
Lap joint strength after 7 d in boiling water Footnote (4) % of tensile/breaking strength 70
Low - temperature impact -- 8 out of 10 pass
Retention of properties after heat aging - tensile/breaking strength % of original 90
Retention of properties after heat aging elongation Footnote (3) % of original 90
Retention of properties after heat aging - low-temperature flexibility % of original Pass
Low - temperature flexibility -- Pass
Resistance to accelerated weathering - visual inspection No cracking, blistering or appreciable colour change
Resistance to accelerated weathering - elongation % of original Footnote (3) 90
Resistance to accelerated weathering - low-temperature impact 8 out of 10 pass
Resistance to accelerated weathering - low-temperature flexibility Pass
Water vapour transmission - Classes A and B Max. g/m 2 in 24 h 4.0
Water vapour transmission - Class C Max. g/m 2 in 24 h 1.0
Effect of water absorption - mass increase Maximum % 3.0
Effect of water absorption - tensile breaking strength % of original 90
Effect of water absorption - elongation % of original Footnote (3) 90
Dimensional change - without loading Maximum % 0.5
Dimensional change - with loading machine direction Maximum % 0.5
Dimensional change with loading - cross-machine direction Maximum % 0.2
Core penetration N 30
Asphalt compatibility of Class D only, mass decrease Maximum % 5.0