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Table 1.1. General Performance Requirements per CAN/CGSB-11.3-M87
Property Unit Requirement
Dimensional tolerance (length and width) mm 0 to −3.2
Thickness mm See Table 3 for thickness requirements
Squareness mm/m Corners must not deviate by more than 1.3 from the right angle.
Physical properties See Table 3
Impact resistance mm Minimum 350 Footnote (1)
Hardness N Minimum 2 600
Nail pull resistance N Minimum 750 Footnote (2)
Lateral nail resistance N Minimum 750 Footnote (3))
Table 1.2. General Performance Requirements per CAN/CGSB-11.3-M87 - Accelerated Aging (After 6 Cycles)
Property Unit Requirement
Residual modulus of rupture (MOR) % Minimum 50 Footnote (4)
Permanent swell % Maximum 15 Footnote (4)
Appearance No serious surface or edge failure (i.e., no delamination and no disintegration)
Table 2. Physical Properties for Type 5 per CAN/CGSB-11.3-M87
Property Unit Requirement
Nominal thickness mm 9.0 10.5 12.7
Minimum thickness mm 8.3 9.5 11.4
Maximum thickness mm 9.7 11.2 13.3
Minimum MOR MPa 13 13 13
Minimum tensile strength
parallel to surface
MPa 7.0 7.0 7.0
Minimum tensile strength
perpendicular to surface
MPa 0.17 0.17 0.17
Maximum water resistance (after 24 h) - water absorption % 20 20 20
Maximum water resistance (after 24 h) - thickness swell % 8 8 8
Minimum density kg/m 3 600 600 600
Maximum linear expansion (at 50%–90% relative humidity (RH) % 0.30 0.30 0.30