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Technical Evidence

The Report Holder has submitted technical documentation for CCMC's evaluation. Testing was conducted at laboratories recognized by CCMC. The corresponding technical evidence for this product is summarized below.

Material Requirements

Conformance of the EPS

Compliance of the expanded polystyrene thermal insulation with the requirements of CAN/ULC-S701-11 Type 2 is covered under the Intertek Testing Services NA LTD. certification program.

Design Requirements

Conformance of Structural Capacity (Steel Reinforcement Designs)

The design analysis presented by Genivar for walls using the product provides a level of performance equivalent to that required by applicable provisions in Part 4 and/or Part 9 of Division B of the NBC 2015. The design analysis is summarized in Tables to The tables provide steel reinforcement specifications for a number of different wall and lintel applications based on specific structural loads. The design assumptions are indicated below each table.

Table Vertical and Horizontal Steel Reinforcement for Below-grade Walls for All Seismic Zones Footnote (1)
Height of Walls (m) Backfill Height (m) Maximum Vertical Steel Reinforcement Spacing for 150-mm Wall Maximum Vertical Steel Reinforcement Spacing for 200-mm Wall Maximum Vertical Steel Reinforcement Spacing for 250-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Steel Reinforcement Spacing for 150-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Steel Reinforcement Spacing for 200-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Steel Reinforcement Spacing for 250-mm Wall
2.44 2.44 1.22 10M at 425 10M at 325 or 15M at 500 10M at 500 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
2.44 1.53 10M at 400 or 15M at 425 10M at 325 or 15M at 500 10M at 500 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
2.44 1.83 10M at 250 or 15M at 425 10M at 325 or 15M at 500 10M at 500 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
2.44 2.14 10M at 200 or 15M at 425 10M at 325 or 15M at 500 10M at 450 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 500 FI and 10M at 500 FE Footnote (2) 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.05 3.05 1.22 10M at 425 10M at 325 or 15M at 500 10M at 500 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.05 1.53 10M at 300 or 15M at 425 10M at 325 or 15M at 500 10M at 500 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.05 1.83 10M at 200 or 15M at 425 10M at 250 or 15M at 500 10M at 400 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 500 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.05 2.14 10M at 150 or 15M at 325 10M at 325 or 15M at 500 10M at 350 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 500 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.05 2.44 10M at 125 or 15M at 250 10M at 200 or 15M at 425 10M at 275 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 500 FI and 10M at 500 FE 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.05 2.75 10M at 100 or 15M at 200 10M at 175 or 15M at 350 10M at 225 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 400 FI and 10M at 500 FE 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 1.22 10M at 425 10M at 325 or 15M at 500 10M at 500 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 1.53 10M at 275 or 15M at 425 10M at 325 or 15M at 500 10M at 500 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 1.83 10M at 175 or 15M at 375 10M at 300 or 15M at 500 10M at 400 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 500 FI and 10M at 500 FE 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 2.14 10M at 125 or 15M at 275 10M at 225 or 15M at 475 10M at 300 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 500 FI and 10M at 500 FE 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 2.44 10M at 100 or 15M at 200 10M at 175 or 15M at 350 10M at 250 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 500 FI and 10M at 500 FE 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 2.75 15M at 175 10M at 125 or 15M at 275 10M at 200 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 400 FI and 10M at 500 FE 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 3.05 Footnote (3) 10M at 100 or 15M at 200 10M at 150 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 350 FI and 10M at 500 FE 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 3.36 Footnote (3) Footnote (3) 10M at 125 FI and at 500 FE or 15M at 275 FI and 10M at 500 FE 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
Table Vertical and Horizontal Steel Reinforcement for Above-grade Walls for use as Single Storey Concrete Supporting Wooden Truss RoofFootnote (1)
Wall Height (m) Maximum Vertical Spacing for Reinforcement for 150-mm Wall Maximum Vertical Spacing for Reinforcement for 200-mm Wall Maximum Vertical Spacing for Reinforcement for 250-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Spacing for Reinforcement for 150-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Spacing for Reinforcement for 200-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Spacing for Reinforcement for 250-mm Wall
2.44 10M at 400 15M at 400 10M at 400 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.05 10M at 300 15M at 400 10M at 400 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 10M at 200 15M at 400 10M at 400 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
Table Vertical and Horizontal Steel Reinforcement for Above-grade Walls for use as Ground Floor Concrete Construction Supporting a Second Storey Wood Frame and a Wood Frame Roof Structure Footnote (1)
Wall Height (m) Maximum Vertical Spacing for Reinforcement for 150-mm Wall Maximum Vertical Spacing for Reinforcement for 200-mm Wall Maximum Vertical Spacing for Reinforcement for 250-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Spacing for Reinforcement for 150-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Spacing for Reinforcement for 200-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Spacing for Reinforcement for 250-mm Wall
2.44 10M at 300 15M at 400 10M at 400 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.05 10M at 200 15M at 400 10M at 400 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 Footnote (2) 15M at 300 10M at 400 each face Footnote (2) 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
Table Vertical and Horizontal Steel Reinforcement for Above-grade Walls for use as Ground Floor Concrete Construction Supporting a Second Storey Concrete Constructions and a Wood Frame Roof Structure Footnote (1)
Wall Height (m) Maximum Vertical Spacing for Reinforcement for 150-mm Wall Maximum Vertical Spacing for Reinforcement for 200-mm Wall Maximum Vertical Spacing for Reinforcement for 250-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Spacing for Reinforcement for 150-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Spacing for Reinforcement for 200-mm Wall Maximum Horizontal Spacing for Reinforcement for 250-mm Wall
2.44 10M at 200 15M at 400 10M at 400 each face 15M at 600 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.05 Footnote (2) 15M at 300 10M at 400 each face Footnote (2) 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
3.66 Footnote (2) 15M at 200 10M at 400 each face Footnote (2) 20M at 600 10M at 600 each face
Table Minimum steel reinforcement of lintels for 150-mm Thick "Polycrete® Big Block 1600"Footnote (1)
Width of openings (mm) UDL (4) 2.0 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 2.0 kN/m , Dist. from s/u Footnote (2) UDL 5 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 5 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 10 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 10 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 15 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 15 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 20 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 20 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 25 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 25 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 30 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 30 kN/m , Dist. from s/u
1000 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-10M 100 2-10M 167
1500 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-10M 84 2-10M 250 2-15M 350 2-15M 417
2000 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-15M 334 2-15M 500 2-15M 600 2-15M 667
2500 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-15M 250 2-15M 584 2-15M 750 2-15M 850 2-15M 917
3000 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-15M 500 2-15M 834 2-15M 1000 2-15M 1100 Footnote (3) Footnote (3)
3500 2-10M 0 2-10M 0 2-15M 750 2-15M 1084 2-15M 1250 Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3)
4000 2-10M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 1000 2-15M 1334 Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3)
4500 2-10M 0 2-15M 250 2-15M 1250 2-20M 1584 Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3)
5000 2-10M 0 2-15M 500 2-20M 1500 Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3)
Table Minimum steel reinforcement of lintels for 200-mm Thick "Polycrete® Big Block 1600"Footnote (1)
Width of openings (mm) UDL (4) 2.0 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 2.0 kN/m , Dist. from s/u Footnote (2) UDL 5 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 5 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 10 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 10 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 15 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 15 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 20 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 20 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 25 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 25 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 30 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 30 kN/m , Dist. from s/u
1000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 34
1500 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 50 2-15M 190 2-15M 284
2000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 67 2-15M 300 2-15M 440 2-15M 534
2500 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 317 2-15M 550 2-15M 690 2-15M 784
3000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 100 2-15M 567 2-15M 800 2-15M 940 2-20M 1034
3500 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 350 2-15M 817 2-15M 1050 2-20M 1190 2-20M 1284
4000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 600 2-15M 1067 2-20M 1300 2-25M 1440 Footnote (3) Footnote (3)
4500 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 850 2-15M 1317 2-25M 1550 Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3)
5000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-20M 1100 2-25M 1567 Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3)
Table Minimum steel reinforcement of lintels for 250-mm Thick "Polycrete® Big Block 1600"Footnote (1)
Width of openings (mm) UDL (4) 2.0 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 2.0 kN/m , Dist. from s/u Footnote (2) UDL 5 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 5 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 10 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 10 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 15 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 15 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 20 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 20 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 25 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 25 kN/m , Dist. from s/u UDL 30 kN/m , Lower Steel Bar UDL 30 kN/m , Dist. from s/u
1000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0
1500 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 50 2-15M 167
2000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 125 2-15M 300 2-15M 417
2500 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 84 2-15M 375 2-15M 550 2-15M 667
3000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 334 2-15M 625 2-15M 800 2-20M 917
3500 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 584 2-20M 875 2-20M 1050 2-20M 1167
4000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 250 2-15M 834 2-20M 1125 2-25M 1300 2-25M 1417
4500 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-15M 500 2-20M 1084 2-25M 1375 2-25M 1550 Footnote (3) Footnote (3)
5000 2-15M 0 2-15M 0 2-20M 750 2-25M 1334 2-25M 1625 Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3) Footnote (3)