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2021-2022 Achievements for the Implementation of Section 41

Part VII of the Official Languages Act
Prepared by: Nafissa Dramé Dia
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Minister responsible:

The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor
Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Deputy Head:

Francis P. McGuire
President of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency / Tel.: 506-851-6128

Name of the person responsible for official languages (Parts IV, V and VI of the Official Languages Act (OLA)):

Stéphane Lagacé
Vice President, Finance and Corporate Services  / Tel.: 506-851-6438
Ginette LeBlanc
Senior Advisor of Official Languages, Employment Equity and HR Planning, Human Resources / Tel.: 506-851-6508

Name of the national coordinator or contact person responsible for the implementation of section 41 (Part VII) of the OLA.:

Eddie Rutanga
Manager, Communities and Inclusive Growth / Tél.: (506) 874-9605

Nafissa Dramé Dia
Program Officer, Communities and Inclusive Growth / Tel.: 506-961-1249

General Information


The Official Languages Act (the Act) requires the President of the Treasury Board to submit an annual report to Parliament on the status of programs in federal institutions relating to Parts IV, V and VI. It also requires the Minister of Canadian Heritage to submit an annual report to Parliament on the implementation of Section 41 of the Act (Part VII) by federal institutions. The Minister of Canadian Heritage’s official languages responsibilities are currently assumed by the Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) and the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH) are working together to coordinate the collection of information required to prepare both annual reports to Parliament.


This year, your institution is asked to submit a Review on Official Languages. The templates to be used are attached. Your duly completed review must be returned electronically to: and by May 31, 2022. We will also use your statistical data, which we will obtain through the Position and Classification Information System as of March 31, 2022.

Federal institutions are responsible for communicating their Review regarding the implementation of Parts IV, V, VI and VII of the Act to the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (, both Parliamentary Standing Committees on Official Languages ( and, and to the various community stakeholders (the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada ( and the Quebec Community Groups Network (, amongst others).

Part VII of the Act

Enhancing the vitality and development of official language minority communities and the advancement of English and French in Canadian society

All federal institutions should answer all of the questions. Information collected through this process is used by Canadian Heritage to prepare the Annual Report on Official Languages, the Best Practices Digests for part VII and various other tools to support federal institutions with the implementation of part VII of the Official Languages Act.

Ongoing Dialogue

How does your institution ensure that it is aware of the priorities and needs of French-speaking communities outside Quebec and English-speaking communities within Quebec?

Please specify the methods used, list the organizations/communities with whom you were in contact, as well as how you took the priorities and needs of these communities into account when planning your activities.

As usual, during the 2021-2022 fiscal year ACOA conducted several actions aimed at better understanding the priorities and needs of official language minority communities (OLMCs) in Atlantic Canada.

Tangible Results

Please highlight the positive measures taken by your institution to enhance the vitality and development of official language minority communities. Please ensure to include activities taking place in the regions, where applicable.

Please include in your response a description of the initiatives, the impacts, the results and the success factors.

To enhance the vitality and development of official language minority communities in Atlantic Canada, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) supports the projects of a number of clients whose results will have a positive impact on these communities.

Key Collaborations

Did your institution collaborate with other federal institutions or with partners (sectoral working groups, municipalities, provinces/territories, post-secondary institutions, the private sector) on a program, project or other initiative to enhance the vitality and development of official language minority communities and/or the advancement of English and French in Canadian society?

Please include in your response a description of these collaborations and partnerships, the results achieved as well as the success factors.

ACOA collaborates on an ongoing basis with other stakeholders (federal institutions, municipalities, provinces/territories, post-secondary institutions, non-profit organizations, private sector), whether through working/discussion groups, consultations for program development, project funding or any other initiative aimed at enhancing the vitality of official language minority communities and/or promoting English and French in Canadian society.


Does your institution have measures in place to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic (including measures related to economic recovery)? If so, how did you consider the needs of official language minority communities and the advancement of English and French in the implementation of these measures?

Please describe your activities as well as the results.

Through its Head Office as well as through its regional offices in the four Atlantic provinces, ACOA took part in COVID-19 response measures.