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Analysis of trends in spending and human resources

Actual expenditures

Departmental spending trend graph

The following graph presents planned (voted and statutory spending) over time.

Graph: Spending over six fiscal years

Actual spending: 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20. Planned spending: 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23.

Planned spending for 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 does not include COVID-19 related amounts and excess amounts related to the collection of repayable contributions because decisions on the excess amount of collections that can be re-invested by the Agency are made later in the fiscal cycle.

In 2019-20, the Agency’s spending increased to $351.7 million with no significant variance compared to $349.6 million in 2018-19.

The decrease in planned spending from 2019-20 to 2020-21 and 2021-22 is attributable mainly to:

The increase in planned spending for 2022-23 is attributable mainly to the conclusion of funding transferred to Natural Resources Canada for Protecting Jobs in Eastern Canada’s Forestry Section, announced in Budget 2018.

Budgetary performance summary for Core Responsibilities and Internal Services (dollars)

Budgetary performance summary for the core responsibility and internal services
Core responsibilities and Internal Services 2019-20
Main Estimates
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total authorities available for use
2017-18 Actual spending (authorities used) 2018-19 Actual spending (authorities used) 2019-20 Actual spending (authorities used)
Economic development in Atlantic Canada 316,009,945 289,063,006 274,054,608 267,832,948 326,572,696 332,744,431 323,354,426 324,518,205
Budget Implementation vote – unallocated authorities - - - - 26,772 - - -
Subtotal 316,009,945 289,063,006 274,054,608 267,832,948 326,599,468 332,744,431 323,354,426 324,518,205
Internal Services 26,571,454 26,553,941 26,961,156 26,265,143 27,919,593 26,241,166 26,243,126 27,141,436
Total 342,581,399 315,616,947 301,015,764 294,098,091 354,519,061 358,985,597 349,597,552 351,659,641

For 2019-20, planned spending of $315.6 million increased by $38.9 million, resulting in total authorities available for use of $354.5 million. This was due to the following additional authorities received during the fiscal year:

The increase is offset by a total decrease of $0.2 million related to various adjustments.

From the 2019-20 total authorities of $354.5 million, actual spending was $351.7 million. This resulted in a surplus of $2.8 million. Of that amount, $2.7 million was carried forward as part of the Agency’s operating budget and the remaining balance lapsed.

Actual human resources

Human resources summary for core responsibilities and Internal Services

Human resources summary for the core responsibility and internal services
Core responsibilities and Internal Services 2017-18 Actual full-time equivalents 2018-19 Actual full-time equivalents 2019-20
Planned full-time equivalents
2019-20 Actual full-time equivalents 2020-21 Planned full-time equivalents 2021-22 Planned full-time equivalents
Economic development in Atlantic Canada 376 378 382 378 381 381
Subtotal 376 378 382 378 381 381
Internal Services 195 194 196 197 196 196
Total 571 572 578 575 577 577

Human resource levels at ACOA remain stable. The minor fluctuations that occur reflect the realignment of human resources to support priorities and projects. The Agency will continue to achieve its results by allocating its human resources to best support its priorities and programs.

Expenditures by vote

For information on ACOA’s organizational voted and statutory expenditures, consult the Public Accounts of Canada 2019-2020.Footnote (i)

Government of Canada spending and activities

Information on the alignment of ACOA’s spending with the Government of Canada’s spending and activities is available in GC InfoBase.Footnote (ii)

Financial statements and financial statement highlights

Financial statements

ACOA’s financial statements (unaudited) for the year ended March 31, 2019, are available on the departmental website.

Financial statement highlights

Condensed Statement of Operations (unaudited) for the year ended March 31, 2020 (dollars)

Condensed statement of operations
Financial information 2019-20
Planned results
Actual results
Actual results
Difference (2019-20 Actual results minus
2019-20 Planned results)
Difference (2019-20 Actual results minus
2018-19 Actual results)
Total expenses 275,208,753 268,888,565 256,386,179  (6,320,188)  12,502,386
Total revenues 19,351 20,204 23,177  853  (2,973)
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers 275,189,402 268,868,361 256,363,002  (6,321,041)  12,505,359

Actual total expenses were $268.9 million in fiscal year 2019-20, an increase of $12.5 million (4.9%) compared to the previous fiscal year.

The increase were mainly due to a rise in salary cost of $6 million, related to collective agreement as well as an adjustment to the allowance leave provision, and an accounting adjustment made every year for conditionally repayable contributions. When payments are made on conditionally repayable contributions, the amounts are captured as expenses until conditions for repayment are met, at which time the Agency reduces its expenses and increases its accounts receivable. During the 2018‑2019 fiscal year, the reduction to expenses was $4 million greater than during the 2019-20 fiscal year.

Of the total expenses of $268.9 million, $238.3 million (88.6%) was used to support economic development in Atlantic Canada while $30.6 million (11.4%) was expended for Internal Services.

Condensed Statement of Financial Position (unaudited) as of March 31, 2020 (dollars)

Condensed statement of financial position
Financial information 2019-20 2018-19 Difference
(2019-20 minus
Total net liabilities  36,445,355  60,894,073  (24,448,718)
Total net financial assets  28,606,693  55,472,270  (26,865,577)
Departmental net debt  7,838,662  5,421,803  2,416,859
Total non-financial assets  2,184,920  2,006,822  178,098
Departmental net financial position  (5,653,742)  (3,414,981)  (2,238,761)

Total net liabilities were $36.4 million at the end of the 2019-20 fiscal year, representing a decrease of $24.4 million (40.1%) from fiscal year 2018-19. The decrease is the result of intensified efforts made to issue payment prior to year-end in response to COVID-19, which of the effect of decreasing total net liabilities.

Total net financial assets equaled $28.6 million at the end of the 2019-20 fiscal year, a decrease of $26.9 million (48.4%) over the previous year’s total. The assets primarily consist of the “Due from the Consolidated Revenue Fund” ($27 million), which is used to discharge the Agency’s liabilities.

Total non-financial assets were $2.2 million at the end of 2019-20 fiscal year, an increase of $0.2 million (8.9%) over the previous fiscal year’s total. The increase is mainly attributable to work in progress related to the Grants and Contributions Program Management system.