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[Name of organization] [fiscal year] Departmental plan

[Name of organization]’s [fiscal year] Departmental plan at a glance

A departmental plan describes a department’s priorities, plans and associated costs for the upcoming three fiscal years.

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Key priorities

[Insert text from 'key priorities' section of the word template]

Refocusing Government Spending

[Insert text from the 'refocusing government spending' section of the word template]


A Departmental Results Framework consists of an organization’s core responsibilities, the results it plans to achieve, and the performance indicators that measure progress toward these results.

Name of core responsibility 1

Departmental results:

  • [Insert a bulleted list of all departmental results for this core responsibility]

Planned spending: [Insert planned spending]

Planned human resources: [Insert number of full-time equivalents]

Name of core responsibility 2

Departmental results:

  • [Insert a bulleted list of all departmental results for this core responsibility]

Planned spending: [Insert planned spending]

Planned human resources: [Insert number of full-time equivalents]

Name of core responsibility 3

Departmental results:

  • [Insert a bulleted list of all departmental results for core responsibility]

Planned spending: [Insert planned spending]

Planned human resources: [Insert number of full-time equivalents]

Name of core responsibility 4

Departmental results:

  • [Insert a bulleted list of all departmental results for core responsibility]

Planned spending: [Insert planned spending]

Planned human resources: [Insert number of full-time equivalents]

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