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Details on transfer payment programs

Transfer payment programs with total actual spending of $5 million or more

Atlantic Innovation Fund – Voted

Start date: May 10, 2001

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2019-20

Link to departmental result(s): Businesses invest in the development and commercialization of innovative technologies in Atlantic Canada

Link to the department’s program inventory: Research and Development, and Commercialization; Innovation Ecosystem

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: The objectives of the Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF) are to:

Contributions to non-profit organizations are non-repayable. Contributions to for-profit businesses to fund R&D projects that involve the commercialization of a product, process, technology or service are repayable, either conditionally or unconditionally.

Results achieved: Investments resulted in increased activity in innovation and R&D, leading to technologies, products, processes or services that contributed to economic growth in Atlantic Canada.

Program or initiative Number of projects Expenditures ($) ACOA-approved costs ($) Total project costs ($) Leverage per ACOA dollar approved ($)
Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF) 11 4,625,614  36,629,817 66,910,283 0.83
Results in this table are based on project activities in 2023-24, including the number of projects with expenditures during the fiscal year and their value based on approvals (ACOA expenditures and total costs). Amounts may span over several fiscal years.

Findings of audits completed in 2023-24: No audits were completed or planned during fiscal year 2023-24.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023-24: An Evaluation of ACOA’s Economic Development Programming was done in 2023-24 and concluded that, with dwindling investments in recent years along with the introduction of the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation (REGI) Program and recent changes to the federal government’s approach to supporting innovation, the AIF is no longer relevant or contributing to the achievement of Agency outcomes.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023-24: ACOA’s transfer payment programs are designed, delivered and managed in such a way that they remain client-focused, are relevant to the applicants’ and recipients’ needs, and achieve the expected results for which they are designed. Given the recent evaluation findings regarding the AIF, engagement of applicants is minimal. AIF information remains available on ACOA’s website while further review takes place.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2021-22 actual spending 2022-23 actual spending 2023-24 planned spending 2023-24 total authorities available for use 2023-24 actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2023-24 actual minus 2023-24 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 14,446,516 8,206,885 40,000,000 40,000,000 4,625,614 (35,374,386)
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 14,446,516 8,206,885 40,000,000 40,000,000 4,625,614 (35,374,386)

Explanation of variances: In 2023-24, there was a lower level of activity than planned because no new projects were approved under the AIF. Many projects focusing on innovation were approved under the REGI Program. Furthermore, grant and contribution transfers were made to better align regional funds with demand. A significant portion of the unspent amount was transferred to the REGI Program to align with demand.

Business Development Program - Voted

Start date: July 25, 1995

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grant and contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2023-24

Link to departmental result(s): Communities are economically diversified in Atlantic Canada; Businesses invest in the development and commercialization of innovative technologies in Atlantic Canada; Businesses are innovative and growing in Atlantic Canada

Link to the department’s program inventory: Inclusive Communities; Diversified Communities; Research and Development, and Commercialization; Innovation Ecosystem; Business Growth; Trade and Investment; Policy Research and Engagement

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: Through the Business Development Program (BDP), ACOA works to create opportunities for economic growth in Atlantic Canada by helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to become more competitive, innovative and productive. In addition, the Agency works with communities to develop and diversify local economies. It also champions the strengths of the region, in partnership with Atlantic Canadians.

Budget 2018 introduced a new innovation program for ACOA: the REGI Program. All new innovation-related projects that were historically funded through the BDP are now generally funded through REGI.

The objectives of the BDP are to:

Temporary initiatives delivered through the BDP streams include:

In general, contributions to for-profit businesses are repayable, either conditionally or unconditionally. Under some of the BDP’s elements, non-repayable contributions to for-profit businesses may be allowed.

Contributions to non-profit organizations are non-repayable but are conditionally repayable if a project results in what would normally be considered a commercial activity.

Results achieved: Through the BDP, the Agency supported Atlantic Canada’s economic growth and prosperity by helping SMEs compete and succeed in a global market, and by investing in the development of inclusive and diverse communities.

Program or initiative Number of projects Expenditures ($) ACOA-approved costs ($) Total project costs ($) Leverage per ACOA dollar approved ($)
Business Development Program (BDP) 177 17,468,578 52,169,487 111,269,325 1.13
Canadian Experienced Fund (CEF) 1 239,517 500,000 20,557,183 40.11
Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund (HFRF) 99 54,098,993 74,727,101 104,401,775 0.40
Tourism Growth Program (TGP) 13 703,670 1,835,080 4,517,875 1.50
Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) 171 8,178,349 22,423,866 42,818,265 0.90
Total 461 80,689,107 151,655,534 283,564,423 0.87
Results in this table are based on project activities in 2023-24, including the number of projects with expenditures during the fiscal year and their value based on approvals (ACOA expenditures and total costs). Amounts may span several fiscal years.

Projects included support to SMEs with high growth potential, the hiring of skilled and diverse personnel, the modernization and expansion of businesses, export preparedness, training, and the adoption of new technologies. BDP investments helped businesses and communities accelerate their transition to a cleaner, low-carbon economy through the adoption of clean technologies. The Agency also contributed to the development of dynamic and sustainable communities in Atlantic Canada by investing in initiatives that fostered entrepreneurship, talent attraction, skills development, business growth and community vitality (e.g., tourism investments).

Findings of audits completed in 2023-24: No audits were completed or planned during fiscal year 2023-24.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023-24: An Evaluation of ACOA’s Economic Development Programming was done in 2023-24 and concluded that the BDP’s relative value lies in its flexibility, which allows the Agency to provide regionally relevant programming that is responsive to emerging opportunities and barriers. It has also proven to be an effective vehicle through which to rapidly flow relief and recovery funding critical to the survival of Atlantic Canadian businesses. There is, however, an opportunity to clarify expected program results.

In addition, an evaluation of the Canada Coal Transition Initiative (CCTI) and the Canada Coal Transition Initiative – Infrastructure Fund (CCTI-IF) was completed in 2024 and concluded that ACOA is focusing its delivery of the CCTI and CCTI-IF on the unique needs of communities in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia as they prepare for the eventual phase-out of coal-fired electricity generation.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023-24: ACOA’s transfer payment programs (including the BDP) are designed, delivered and managed in such a way that they remain client-focused, are relevant to applicants’ and recipients’ needs, and achieve expected results. Engaging key stakeholders in discussions regarding the creation or review of ACOA’s programming is part of the Agency’s operations and evaluation practices. To ensure the ongoing relevance of programming, the Agency solicits feedback from clients and stakeholders on an ongoing basis, whether through information sharing, consultations or collaborations.

ACOA engages the following stakeholders: the business sector; community-based economic development organizations and volunteer groups; universities and colleges; research institutes; other levels of government; First Nations communities; and official language minority communities.

Additionally, BDP information is continually shared with applicants and recipients through ACOA’s website and outreach events in communities across Atlantic Canada.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2021-22 actual spending 2022-23 actual spending 2023-24 planned spending 2023-24 total authorities available for use 2023-24 actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2023-24 actual minus 2023-24 planned)
Total grants 240,189 497,432 1,500,000 15,322,500 414,011 (1,085,989)
Total contributions 27,146,061 51,092,389 45,246,683 104,243,183 80,275,096 35,028,413
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 27,386,250 51,589,821 46,746,683 119,565,683 80,689,107 33,943,424

Explanation of variances: Grant and contribution transfers were made to better align regional funds with demand and to reimburse amounts transferred temporarily in the previous fiscal year, as a cash management strategy. A significant portion of the unspent amount was transferred to the REGI Program to align with demand. In addition, a significant portion from the Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund was reprofiled to 2024-25 as this amount would have otherwise lapsed under the BDP.

Regional Economic Growth through Innovation – Voted

Growth through Regional Innovation Program (GRIP) (known as Regional Economic Growth through Innovation [REGI] Program)

Start date: October 18, 2018

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grant and contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2021-22

Link to departmental result(s): Communities are economically diversified in Atlantic Canada; Businesses invest in the development and commercialization of innovative technologies in Atlantic Canada; Businesses are innovative and growing in Atlantic Canada

Link to the department’s program inventory: Business Growth; Innovation Ecosystem; Trade and Investment; Inclusive Communities; Diversified Communities; Research and Development, and Commercialization

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: The REGI Program builds on the objectives of the Innovation and Skills Plan. Its goal is to provide streamlined, nationally coordinated yet regionally tailored support for business productivity and scale-up, particularly for SMEs, women entrepreneurs, and other under-represented groups, and to enhance the regional industrial and technology clusters and regional innovation ecosystems.

The program provides assistance through two streams:

Temporary initiatives delivered through the REGI Program streams include:

Contributions issued under the REGI Program may be unconditionally or conditionally repayable, or non-repayable.

Results achieved: Projects supported under the REGI Program aimed to accelerate the growth of firms and to assist with the adoption of new, innovative technologies, the scale-up and productivity improvement of SMEs, and the development of and entry into new markets.

The REGI Program also funded projects that supported the growth and development of a strong and inclusive regional ecosystem to foster the entrepreneurial environment necessary for more innovative regional economies and to increase the competitiveness of SMEs, women entrepreneurs and under-represented groups.

Program or initiative Number of projects Expenditures ($) ACOA-approved costs ($) Total project costs ($) Leverage per ACOA dollar approved ($)
Regional Economic Growth through Innovation (REGI) 1,279 190,873,579 506,704,673 1,213,307,409 1.00
Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative (ARRI) 12 7,918,922 10,468,966 15,995,172 0.50
Black Entrepreneurship Program (BEP) 2 2,626,806 6,902,609 6,902,609 0.00
Canada Coal Transition Initiative and Infrastructure Fund (CCTI-IF) 11 5,112,299 12,543,367 29,096,740 1.30
Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) 69 11,561,732 35,647,126 112,785,753 2.20
Potato Stabilization and Innovation Initiative (PSII) 28 11,216,471 14,456,614 32,251,628 1.20
Total 1,401 229,309,809 586,723,355 1,410,339,311 1.40
Results in this table are based on project activities in 2023-24, including the number of projects with expenditures during the fiscal year and their value based on approvals (ACOA expenditures and total costs). Amounts may span several fiscal years.

Findings of audits completed in 2023-24: No audits were completed or planned during fiscal year 2023-24.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023-24: A national evaluation of the REGI Program was done in 2023-24 and found that, overall, the program continues to be relevant and to meet the needs of Canadian businesses and communities. It contributes to business growth, ecosystem advancement and economic development in all regions. It is also mostly efficient.

In addition, an evaluation of the CCTI and CCTI-IF was completed in 2024 and concluded that ACOA is focusing its delivery of the CCTI and CCTI-IF on the unique needs of communities in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia as they prepare for the eventual phase-out of coal-fired electricity generation.

An evaluation of the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy is under way and is expected to be completed by March 2025.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023-24: ACOA’s transfer payment programs (including the REGI Program) are designed, delivered and managed in such a way that they remain client-focused, are relevant to applicants’ and recipients’ needs, and achieve expected results. Engaging key stakeholders in discussions regarding the creation or review of ACOA’s programming is part of the Agency’s operations and evaluation practices. To ensure the ongoing relevance of programming, the Agency solicits feedback from clients and stakeholders on an ongoing basis, whether through information sharing, consultations or collaborations.

ACOA engaged with other RDAs and the following stakeholders: the business sector; community-based economic development organizations and volunteer groups; universities and colleges; research institutes; other levels of government; First Nations communities; and official language minority communities.

Additionally, information regarding the REGI Program is continually shared with applicants and recipients through ACOA’s website and outreach events in communities across Atlantic Canada.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2021-22 actual spending 2022-23 actual spending 2023-24 planned spending 2023-24 total authorities available for use 2023-24 actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2023-24 actual minus 2023-24 planned)
Total grants 178,012 439,232 500,000 1,000,000 353,022 (146,978)
Total contributions 254,487,286 213,969,375 151,624,146 172,110,650 228,956,787 77,332,641
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 254,665,298 214,408,607 152,124,146 173,110,650 229,309,809 77,185,663

Explanation of variances: Grant and contribution transfers were made to better align regional funds with demand and to reimburse amounts transferred temporarily in the previous fiscal year, as a cash management strategy. A significant portion of unspent amounts from other transfer payment programs was transferred to the REGI Program to align with demand.

Community Futures Program - Voted

Start date: May 18, 1995

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2021-22

Link to departmental result(s): Communities are economically diversified in Atlantic Canada

Link to the department’s program inventory: Inclusive Communities; Diversified Communities

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: The Community Futures (CF) Program’s purpose is to help communities develop and implement local solutions to local problems. The program provides financial support to CF organizations that, in collaboration with other partners and stakeholders, can assess their situation and develop strategies to meet their needs to provide support to SMEs and social enterprises, and to undertake appropriate community economic development initiatives.

The CF Program provides non-repayable contributions to CF organizations, known in Atlantic Canada as Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs), and their associations. More information on services provided through the CBDCs can be found on ACOA’s website.

Results achieved: CBDCs provide an essential source of investment capital focused on rural businesses as well as business counselling and skills development. The Agency maximized the use of funds available to CBDCs as recipients of CF Program funding in accordance with the Community Futures of Tomorrow model. ACOA continued to collaborate with the CBDC network in providing business counselling and support to enhance the business skills of local entrepreneurs.

Program or initiative Number of projects Expenditures ($) ACOA-approved costs ($) Total project costs ($) Leverage per ACOA dollar approved ($)
Community Futures Program (CFP) 48 14,097,000 60,120,160 106,117,247 0.80
Results in this table are based on project activities in 2023-24, including the number of projects with expenditures during the fiscal year and their value based on approvals (ACOA expenditures and total costs). Amounts may span several fiscal years.

Findings of audits completed in 2023-24: No audits were completed or planned during fiscal year 2023-24.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023-24: No evaluations were completed or planned during fiscal year 2023-24.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023-24: The Agency continued to engage with and align its support to the CBDC network as part of the implementation of the Community Futures of Tomorrow model under a collaborative joint oversight committee. This maximized all available resources, including the funds provided by the CF Program. With a view to maintaining the long-term viability of the program, the oversight committee acts as a governance body by ensuring that the model’s objectives are managed collaboratively among individual CBDCs, the Atlantic Association of CBDCs and ACOA.

As part of its due diligence process and accountability to Parliament, the Agency has a responsibility to ensure that appropriate governance practices are in place with respect to organizations to which it provides operational support. ACOA continues to collaborate with the CBDC network and individual organizations to enhance governance practices, where required, and provide ongoing training to board members to ensure a continued understanding of effective governance and the importance of achieving desired results the right way.

ACOA continues to work with other federal RDAs, the Community Futures Network of Canada (CFNC) and the CBDCs to increase the integrity and consistency of performance results, improve the collection of data, and implement the CF Program’s performance measurement strategy. In collaboration with other federal government departments responsible for the management of the program, ACOA presents performance results for 2023-24 and continues to engage the CFNC in refining the collection and use of performance information needed by all stakeholders, including the CBDCs.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2021-22 actual spending 2022-23 actual spending 2023-24 planned spending 2023-24 total authorities available for use 2023-24 actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2023-24 actual minus 2023-24 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 27,058,199 14,630,531 12,642,000 12,642,000 14,097,000 1,455,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 27,058,199 14,630,531 12,642,000 12,642,000 14,097,000 1,455,000

Explanation of variances: Grant and contribution transfers were made to better align regional funds with demand.

Innovative Communities Fund - Voted

Start date: April 1, 2005

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2022-23

Link to departmental result(s): Communities are economically diversified in Atlantic Canada; Businesses invest in the development and commercialization of innovative technologies in Atlantic Canada; Businesses are innovative and growing in Atlantic Canada

Link to the department’s program inventory: Diversified Communities; Inclusive Communities; Innovation Ecosystem

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: The Innovative Communities Fund’s (ICF) objective is to diversify and enhance the economies of Atlantic communities, many of which are vulnerable to industry closures and major economic adjustments. In doing so, the program capitalizes on the opportunities and strengths that exist in these communities as identified in each community’s regional and/or sectoral strategic economic development plan. The focus of the ICF is the long-term sustainable economic development of communities in Atlantic Canada.

The objectives of the program are as follows:

The ICF includes temporary funding streams for:

Contributions issued under the ICF are non-repayable.

Results achieved: The ICF capitalizes on the strengths of Atlantic communities and provides them with the tools needed to identify opportunities for sustainable economic growth. The overall expected result is to build dynamic and sustainable communities in Atlantic Canada while focusing on increased economic and business activity. ACOA continued to work with communities and stakeholders on strategic projects related to economic development capacity as well as business-sector development.

Program or initiative Number of projects Expenditures ($) ACOA-approved costs ($) Total project costs ($) Leverage per ACOA dollar approved ($)
Innovative Communities Fund (ICF) 215 27,757,778 79,723,631 269,186,525 2.38
Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) 261 19,665,905 36,276,093 83,076,923 1.29
Canada Coal Transition Initiative and Infrastructure Fund (CCTI-IF) 10 6,286,393 13,522,595 41,596,195 2.10
Canadian Experiences Fund (CEF) 1 3,600 120,000 300,000 1.50
Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund (HFRF) 56 14,248,880 24,204,829 30,602,732 0.30
Total 543 67,742,556 153,847,487 424,762,375 1.76
Results in this table are based on project activities in 2023-24, including the number of projects with expenditures during the fiscal year and their value based on approvals (ACOA expenditures and total costs). Amounts may span several fiscal years.

Findings of audits completed in 2023-24: No audits were completed or planned during fiscal year 2023-24.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023-24: An Evaluation of ACOA’s Economic Development Programming was done in 2023-24 and concluded that a large percentage of Atlantic Canada’s population resides in small rural communities and that there continues to be a need for dedicated programming focused on supporting their growth. The ICF offers unique place-based programming that responds to the specific needs of Atlantic Canadian communities. There is an opportunity to increase focus on investments that build the capacity of communities, especially in those areas that drive population growth and retention.

In addition, an evaluation of the CCTI and CCTI-IF was completed in 2024 and concluded that ACOA is focusing its delivery of the CCTI and CCTI-IF on the unique needs of communities in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia as they prepare for the eventual phase-out of coal-fired electricity generation.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023-24: Eligible recipients for the ICF include municipalities and local organizations, First Nations communities, industry-related groups (e.g., industry or sector associations) and non-profit organizations.

Under the ICF, the Agency continues to proactively engage with its partners and stakeholders, including community organizations, educational institutions, official language minority communities, First Nations communities and other levels of government, through discussions regarding strategic community development opportunities. These discussions ensure that the Agency’s investments continue to respond to the evolving economic needs and priorities of Atlantic Canadian communities. In addition, ICF information is continually shared with applicants and recipients through ACOA’s website.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2021-22 actual spending 2022-23 actual spending 2023-24 planned spending 2023-24 total authorities available for use 2023-24 actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2023-24 actual minus 2023-24 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 39,842,568 62,014,085 60,742,762 92,073,762 67,742,556 (6,999,794)
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 39,842,568 62,014,085 60,742,762 92,073,762 67,742,556 (6,999,794)

Explanation of variances: Grant and contribution transfers were made to better align regional funds with demand. In addition, a significant portion from the Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund was reprofiled to 2024-25. This amount would have otherwise lapsed under the ICF.

Transfer Payment Programs with total actual spending of less than $5 million

Atlantic Policy Research Initiative – Voted

Start date: July 1, 2000

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2015-16

Link to departmental result(s): Communities are economically diversified in Atlantic Canada; Businesses invest in the development and commercialization of innovative technologies in Atlantic Canada; and Businesses are innovative and growing in Atlantic Canada

Link to the department’s program inventory: Policy Research and Engagement

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: The Atlantic Policy Research Initiative (APRI) is the primary funding instrument through which ACOA supports policy research.

The objectives of the program are to:

The program provides non-repayable contributions.

Results achieved: APRI helped fund research to support well-informed policy decisions, reflecting opportunities and challenges of the Atlantic region’s economy while considering enterprise and community development potential.

Program or initiative Number of projects Expenditures ($) ACOA-approved contributions ($) Total project costs ($) Leverage per ACOA dollar approved ($)
Atlantic Policy Research Initiative (APRI) 6 334,863 793,363 1,186,563 0.50

Findings of audits completed in 2023-24: No audits were completed or planned during fiscal year 2023-24.

Findings of evaluations completed in 2023-24: No evaluations were completed or planned during fiscal year 2023-24.

Engagement of applicants and recipients in 2023-24: On a regular basis, ACOA meets with regional stakeholders and eligible applicants to discuss Government of Canada priorities and policy research opportunities. Regional program officers frequently refer eligible applicants looking to conduct policy research on diverse topics.

Financial information (dollars)

Type of transfer payment 2021-22 actual spending 2022-23 actual spending 2023-24 planned spending 2023-24 total authorities available for use 2023-24 actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2023-24 actual minus 2023-24 planned)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 565,380 536,564 600,000 600,000 334,863 (265,137)
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 565,380 536,564 600,000 600,000 334,863 (265,137)

Explanation of variances: In 2023-24, actual spending fell slightly short of planned spending due to lower-than-anticipated costs on several projects.