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[Department name]'s [insert fiscal year] Departmental plan

On this page

From the Minister

[Message from the Minister; don’t include a signature in the web version]

Headshot of [Name of Minister]

The Honourable [Name of Minister]

[Job title]

From the Institutional Head (*optional)

[Message from the Institutional head, don't include a signature in the web version]

Headshot of [Name of Institutional Head]

[Institutional Head name]

[Job title]

Plans to deliver on core responsibilities and internal services

Core responsibilities and internal services

Core responsibility 1: [insert core responsibility name]

[Repeat these sections for each core responsibility]


[Insert description of core responsibility 1]

Quality of life impacts

[Insert quality of life impacts]

Indicators, results and targets

This section presents details on the department’s indicators, the results from the three most recently reported fiscal years, the targets and target dates approved in [insert fiscal year] for [insert name of core responsibility]. Details are presented by departmental result

Table [#]:[Insert name of departmental result 1]
Departmental Result Indicators Actual results Target Date to achieve target
[Insert indicator]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
[Insert the date] [Insert the target]</div>
[Insert indicator]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
[Insert the date] [Insert the target]
Table [#]:[Insert name of departmental result 2]
Departmental Result Indicators Actual results Target Date to achieve target
[Insert indicator]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
[Insert the target] [Insert the date]
[Insert indicator]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
  • [Fiscal year]: [insert figure]
[Insert the target] [Insert the date]

[Hyperlink to the related information on GC Infobase]

Plans to achieve results

The following section describes the planned results for [insert name of core responsibility] in [insert fiscal year].

[Name of result 1]

[Insert description]

Results we plan to achieve:

  • [Insert bulleted list item 1]
  • [Insert bulleted list item 2]
  • [Insert bulleted list item 3]
[Name of result 2]

[Insert description]

Results we plan to achieve:

  • [Insert bulleted list item 1]
  • [Insert bulleted list item 2]
  • [Insert bulleted list item 3]

[Repeat for each result under core responsibility 1]

Key risks (*optional)

[Insert content from risks section]

Planned resources to achieve results

Table [#] Planned resources to achieve results for [insert name of core responsibility]
Table [#] provides a summary of the planned spending and full-time equivalents required to achieve results.
Resource Planned
Spending [Insert amount]
Full-time equivalents [Insert number]

[Hyperlink to the related information on GC Infobase]

Related government priorities

[Insert details of government priorities]

Program inventory

[Insert name of core responsibility] is supported by the following programs:

  • [Insert bulleted list item 1]
  • [Insert bulleted list item 2]
  • [Insert bulleted list item 3]

[Hyperlink to the related information on GC Infobase]

Summary of changes to reporting framework since last year

[Insert summary of changes]

Internal services


Internal services are the services that are provided within a department so that it can meet its corporate obligations and deliver its programs. There are 10 categories of internal services:

  • management and oversight services
  • communications services
  • legal services
  • human resources management services
  • financial management services
  • information management services
  • information technology services
  • real property management services
  • materiel management services
  • acquisition management services

Plans to achieve results

This section presents details on how the department plans to achieve results and meet targets for internal services.

[Insert content from the Plans to achieve results section]

Planned resources to achieve results

Table [#]: Planned resources to achieve results for internal services this year
Table [#] provides a summary of the planned spending and full-time equivalents required to achieve results.
Resource Planned
Spending [Insert total planned spending for the fiscal year]
Full-time equivalents [Insert total planned Full-time equivalents for the fiscal year]

[Hyperlink to the related information on GC Infobase]

Planned spending and human resources

This section provides an overview of [department name]’s planned spending and human resources for the next three fiscal years and compares planned spending for [insert fiscal year] with actual spending from previous years.


This section presents an overview of the department's planned expenditures from [insert fiscal year] to [insert fiscal year].

Graph [#]: Planned spending by core responsibility in [insert fiscal year] (*optional)

Graph [#] presents how much the department plans to spend in [Insert fiscal year] to carry out core responsibilities and internal services.   

[alt text]. Text version below:

Budgetary performance summary

Table [#]: Three-year spending summary for core responsibilities and internal services (dollars)
Table [#] presents how much money [department acronym] spent over the past three years to carry out its core responsibilities and for internal services. Amounts for the current fiscal year are forecasted based on spending to date.
Core responsibilities and internal services [Fiscal year] Actual expenditures [Fiscal year] Actual expenditures [Fiscal year] Forecast spending
Insert name of core responsibility] [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]
[Insert name of core responsibility] [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]
Subtotal [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal]
Internal services [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]
Total [Insert total] [Insert total] [Insert total]

[Hyperlink to the related information on GC Infobase]

Table [#]: Planned three-year spending on core responsibilities and internal services (dollars)

Table [#] presents how much money [department name]’s plans to spend over the next three years to carry out its core responsibilities and for internal services.
Core responsibilities and internal services [Fiscal year] Planned spending [Fiscal year] Planned spending [Fiscal year] Planned spending
[Insert name of core responsibility 1] [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]
[Insert name of core responsibility 2] [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]
Subtotal [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal]
Internal services [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]
Total [Insert total] [Insert total] [Insert total]

[Hyperlink to the related information on GC Infobase]

Table [#]: Budgetary gross and net planned spending summary (dollars) (*optional)

Table [#] reconciles gross planned spending with net spending for [insert fiscal year].
Core responsibilities and Internal Services [Fiscal year] Gross planned spending [Fiscal year] Planned revenues netted against spending (dollars) [Fiscal year] Planned net spending (authorities used)
[Insert name of core responsibility 1] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]</div> [Insert amount]
[Insert name of core responsibility 2] [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]
Subtotal [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal]
Internal services [Insert amount] [Insert amount]</div> [Insert amount]
Total [Insert total] [Insert total] [Insert total]

[Hyperlink to the related information on GC Infobase]


This section provides an overview of the department's voted and statutory funding for its core responsibilities and for internal services. For further information on funding authorities, consult the Government of Canada budgets and expenditures.

Graph [#]: Approved funding (statutory and voted) over a six-year period

Graph [#] summarizes the department's approved voted and statutory funding from [insert fiscal year] to [insert fiscal year].

[alt text]. Text version below:

For further information on [department name]’s departmental appropriations, consult the [insert fiscal year] Main Estimate.

Future-oriented condensed statement of operations

The future-oriented condensed statement of operations provides an overview of [department name]’s operations for [insert fiscal year] to [insert fiscal year].

Table [#]: Future-oriented condensed statement of operations for the year ended [insert date] (dollars)

Table [#]: summarizes the expenses and revenues which net to the cost of operations before government funding and transfers for [insert fiscal year] to [insert fiscal year].The forecast and planned amounts in this statement of operations were prepared on an accrual basis. The forecast and planned amounts presented in other sections of the Departmental Plan were prepared on an expenditure basis. Amounts may therefore differ.
Financial information [Fiscal year] Forecast results [Fiscal year] Planned results Difference (forecasted results minus planned)
Total expenses [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]
Total revenues [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers [Insert amount] [Insert amount] [Insert amount]

A more detailed Future-Oriented Statement of Operations and Notes for [fiscal year] [link to Department's FOSO], including a reconciliation of the net cost of operations with the requested authorities, is available on [department’s name]’s website.

Human resources

This section presents an overview of the department’s actual and planned human resources from [fiscal year] to [fiscal year].

Table [#]: Actual human resources for core responsibilities and internal services

Table [#] shows a summary of human resources, in full-time equivalents, for [department acronym]’s core responsibilities and for its internal services for the previous three fiscal years. Human resources for the current fiscal year are forecasted based on year to date.
Core responsibilities and Internal Services [Fiscal year] Actual full-time equivalents [Fiscal year] Actual full-time equivalents [Fiscal year] Actual full-time equivalents
[Insert name of core responsibility 1]</div> [Insert number] [Insert number] [Insert number]
[Insert name of core responsibility 2] [Insert number] [Insert number] [Insert number]
Subtotal [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal]
Internal services [Insert number] [Insert number] [Insert number]
Total [Insert total] [Insert total] [Insert total]

Table [#]: Human resources planning summary for core responsibilities and internal services

Table [#] shows information on human resources, in full-time equivalents, for each of [department acronym]’s core responsibilities and for its internal services planned for the next three years.
Core responsibilities and Internal Services [Fiscal year] Planned full-time equivalents [Fiscal year] Planned full-time equivalents [Fiscal year] Planned full-time equivalents
[Insert name of core responsibility 1] [Insert number] [Insert number] [Insert number]
[Insert name of core responsibility 2] [Insert number] [Insert number] [Insert number]
Subtotal [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal] [Insert subtotal]
Internal services [Insert number] [Insert number] [Insert number]
Total [Insert total] [Insert total] [Insert total]

Corporate information

Supplementary information tables

The following supplementary information tables are available on [Department’s name]’s website:

  • Details on transfer payment programs
  • Gender-based analysis plus
  • Horizontal Initiatives
  • Up-front multi-year funding

Federal tax expenditures

[Department name]’s Departmental Plan does not include information on tax expenditures. The tax system can be used to achieve public policy objectives through the application of special measures such as low tax rates, exemptions, deductions, deferrals and credits. The Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for these measures each year in the Report on Federal Tax Expenditures.

This report also provides detailed background information on tax expenditures, including descriptions, objectives, historical information and references to related federal spending programs as well as evaluations and GBA Plus of tax expenditures.


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