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February 1, 2024

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

(Source: 2022-23 Departmental Results Report)


Legal Title

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency



Year of Incorporation


Institutional Form

Departmental Agencies

Appropriate Minister

The Honourable Gudie Hutchings, MP, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Institutional head

TBC, President

Description / Raison d'être

Established in 1987 (Part I of the Government Organization Act, Atlantic Canada 1987, R.S.C., 1985, c.41 (4th Supp.), also known as the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act), the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) is the federal department responsible for the Government of Canada’s economic development efforts in the provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

ACOA works to create opportunities for economic growth in Atlantic Canada by helping businesses become more competitive, innovative and productive, by working with diverse communities to develop and diversify local economies, and by championing the strengths of Atlantic Canada.

Together, with Atlantic Canadians, it is building a stronger economy.

Enabling Instrument

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 41 (4th Supp.)

2022-2023 - Spending and Employment


In 2022-23, ACOA’s work advanced its three departmental results with the following initiatives, activities, and actions.

Departmental Result 1: Businesses are innovative and growing in Atlantic Canada

Departmental Result 2: Businesses invest in the development and commercialization of innovative technologies in Atlantic Canada

Departmental Result 3: Communities are economically diversified in Atlantic Canada

Preparation and approvals:

Prepared by: Stéphanie Bilodeau, Principal Advisor, Communications, 506-478-4777
Sector contact: Wade AuCoin, Director General, Policy, 506-381-0324
Sector approval: Daryell Nowlan, Vice-President Programs, Policy and Communications, 506-851-3805