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February 2, 2024
Standing Committee on International Trade
On January 22, 2024, the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT) invited the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) to appear before the Committee on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. (EST) in view of its study “Canadian businesses in supply chains and global markets”. Other witnesses include Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (DEC).
The appearance will take place in person in the format of a 5-minute opening statement, followed by a Question-and-Answer session with the members of the committee.
The invitation is in relation to a motion adopted by the committee on Tuesday, October 17, 2023:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee undertake a comprehensive study to (a) identify programs, tools, and measures that support the growth of Canadian businesses and their contributions to domestic and global supply chains, export abroad, and becoming integral players in various economic sectors; and (b) diversify and increase the presence of Canadian businesses in global markets, focusing on areas of competitive advantage and regional diversity of goods and services; that the committee hold a minimum of six meetings on this study, divided by regions in Canada; and that the committee report its comprehensive findings and recommendations to the House.
List of witnesses
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
- Daryell Nowlan, Vice-President, Policy, Programs and Communications
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
- Sony Perron, Deputy Minister
- Marie-Claude Petit, Vice-President, Operations
Groupe Gilbert
- Maxime Lavoie, Director of Operations
Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine
- Robert Laplante, Managing Director (by videoconference)
SERDEX International
- Nadine Brassard, General Manager (by videoconference)
Mandate of the Standing Committee on International Trade
The House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade studies and reports on matters referred to it by the House of Commons. The committee can also initiate studies of subjects falling within its mandate. As a permanent committee established by the Standing Orders of the House of Commons, the committee may be asked to comment on legislation, departmental activities and spending, and other matters under its jurisdiction.
The general subject area of the committee includes the following:
- international trade policy, including trade and investment liberalization, as well as Canada’s economic relationship with other countries;
- Canadian international competitiveness, as well as the effects of global competition on Canadian firms and the Canadian economy; and
- the global trade and investment environment, including the World Trade Organization, international markets and regional trade blocs.
The federal departments and agencies under the committee’s direct scrutiny include:
- Global Affairs Canada (international trade component)
- Export Development Canada
- Canadian Commercial Corporation
- Invest in Canada.
The Standing Committee on International Trade was created in April 2006 when the Standing Orders were amended during the 39th Parliament. At that time, the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade was divided into two committees: the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, and the Standing Committee on International Trade.
From 1995 to 2005, the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade conducted much of its trade-related activities through its Subcommittee on International Trade, Trade Disputes, and Investment. That subcommittee produced several reports that were adopted by the standing committee.
Committee Members
Hon. Judy A. Sgro
Kyle Seeback
Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay
Bloc Québécois
Chandra Arya
Tony Baldinelli
Richard Cannings
Hon. Mona Fortier
Matt Jeneroux
Richard Martel
Wilson Miao
Terry Sheehan
Maninder Sidhu
Maxime Lavoie
Director of Operations
Groupe Gilbert
Founded in 1957 by Fernand Gilbert, a self-employed truck driver, Groupe Gilbert now owns several companies that operate throughout Quebec, Nunavut, and Newfoundland and Labrador, including:
- Gilbert Énergie
- Fernand Gilbert Ltd
- Dynamitage T.C.G. Inc.
- Concassage T.C.G. Inc.
- Gilbert NL Contracting Ltd
- Transport F. Gilbert Ltd
- Environment Saint-Laurent Inc.
- Logistique St-Laurent
- Services Environnementaux Saint-Laurent Inc.
- Groupe Sana
- Investissement Gilbert Enr.
The group of companies provide services in the fields of:
- Civil and mining (heavy civil works, mining projects, drilling and blasting, crushing, consolidation and grouting and infrastructure rehabilitation).
- Transport and logistic (general transportation, snow removal, specialized transport, bulk material transportation, logistics – storage – transshipment, equipment rental service and personal rental service)
- Environment (renewable energy projects, hazardous waste facility centre, and environmental projects)
- Real estate (office, industrial and commercial space rental)
Robert Laplante
Managing Director
Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine
Fondé en 1999, l’Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine (IREC) est un organisme scientifique indépendant voué à l’enrichissement du débat public par la production de recherches rigoureuses et par la conduite d’activités d’animation et de formation favorisant le développement des compétences dans le domaine économique.
L’IREC s’intéresse à l’ensemble de l’économie et mène des travaux destinés à contribuer à la construction du bien commun. Ses approches visent à renouveler le modèle québécois par la promotion d’alternatives crédibles. Les enjeux de la transition écologique de l’économie retiennent tout particulièrement son attention.
Nadine Brassard
General Manager
SERDEX International
SERDEX International se spécialise dans le développement des exportations régionales.
L’entreprise soutient, outille et accompagne les PME manufacturières et de services à valeur ajoutée du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean dans l’amélioration de leur capacité à l’exportation afin de favoriser leur développement à l’international.