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Evaluation Summary: ACOA’s Evaluation of the Canada Coal Transition Initiative (CCTI) and the Canada Coal Transition Initiative – Infrastructure Fund (CCTI-IF)

The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency’s Evaluation of the Canada Coal Transition Initiative (CCTI) and its related Infrastructure Fund (CCTI-IF)assessed the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the Agency’s delivery of the CCTI and CCTI-IF, which was delivered through the Business Development Program (BDP), the Innovative Communities Fund (ICF) and the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation (REGI) program between April 2018 and March 2023.

ACOA was mandated to deliver CCTI and CCTI-IF to help 5 affected communities in Atlantic Canada cope with the impacts of the phase-out of all remaining coal-fired electricity generating stations: Belledune in New Brunswick, as well as Trenton, Point Aconi, Point Tupper and Lingan in Nova Scotia.


In lieu of recommendations, the evaluation includes lessons learned and targeted opportunities for improvement (see below). As such, no management action plan is required.

Lessons Learned: